This is going to take some getting used to lol. This is not the most user friendly blog I've ever seen in my life *sigh*. Hopefully it'll get better. It's kind of nice to start a new 'chapter' in the world of blogging I suppose. It's weird to not be in the comfort zone that OD has been though. I like knowing who reads me- like limiting that....but at the same time....then what? You don't really expand any horizons, or as a person, or whatever it is you're including as reasons for doing any of this in the first place. So that'll be nice *shrugs*. I think. Lol;)
We went to Jason's Grandparents house for the day today. Jason built Jaeli a new toddler bed last week, and she and I picked out paint earlier this week for it. Pink. I let her pick. Sorta lol. I asked her what color she wanted and she said black *rolls eyes*. I said no.....picked up a bunch of what she claimed were her "favorite" colors....and said pick one. And that's what it we ended up with lol;) It actually looks pretty good considering. I was afraid it was going to be much darker than it actually is. It matches the duvet I made for her awhile back really well. Too bad we just found new toddler bedding the other night we're in love with now though- and worse....I should've let her have her way with painting it black lol;) The bedding is lol *rolls eyes*. Eh- there are some cute flowery ones though that will probably over ride Mommy's favorite seeing as to how we painted the darn bed out there today and its already back and functioning. The down side to the day? Pa and Grandma weren't home. Jaeli's Pa and Grandma's girl....adores them- as they do her. She's rotten. Anyhow- she's not impressed. We've been out twice this week and they're gone....she's not a happy camper (we pick up their mail/check on the house/plants/and so on when they're gone). We're not sure when they'll be back either. They're in Reno. Don't get too excited. My GM is the gambler....not them (okay not really like that....but we tease her....she went a few times with old h.s. gf's who have moved back home since retiring that all hang out again now (lol) and now they go on Mondays *rolls eyes*.....I tease her b/c my Great Grandparents always thought Berd was a bad influence when they were teenagers....they'd be going crazy after the newfound casino trips lmao...)-heh. Allene's brother lives there and she got a call one night when Jae and I were there from his new gf;) Ends up he was being manly and putting off going to the doctor for some pain he'd been having. Long story short- see your doctor when you have abdominal pain yo. Otherwise you may very well end up with a temporary colostomy bag. :( Not cool. He's got diverticulosis....which was undiagnosed until when he went in he actually had severe diverticulitis (um oops....lamen's terms: you will always have is only called diverticulitis when it is acting up and you have the inflammation.)- and his colon had begun to show signs of shutting down. Luckily they were able to do surgery to get all the waste/toxins out and start repairing. They think he'll have the colostomy issue for about three months but fully expect recovering fine- so yay for that!! Anyhow they left to head out to stay with him and help for as long as needed. Meanwhile....we're throwing their part of the 1st Annual neighborhood Labor Day bbq tomorrow (with help from Jason's Aunt Patty too lol....go figure...their part has to be providing the burgers and the YARD *sigh* lol). Fun fun fun;) Ah will be interesting. They've got new neighbors from when Jason still lived at home and I was there all the time- we don't know most of them (there aren't all that many....they live in the "country"). It'll be interesting. I'll be sure to take a lot of pictures.
I just found an old friend on MySpace again today (well technically Nicolle and Amy found her and then I heard through them lol)- it's amazing how many people you can get back in touch with through that little place and how addictive it can get. Anyhow- Jen and Amy were the first girls in our 'group' of friends who had kids.....fall following our first year of college. Anyhow- Nicolle and I lived together at the time....the four of us had some fun times at the hospital when they had their kids lol *rolls eyes*. Just got to remembering some of that after thinking of her. Gah we were so young and dumb lol;) Jen's got another little boy now- I'm happy for her....but man that would be hard. Amy has Blaize and Izzic, then obviously Nicolle has Cooper, and I have Jaeli. Blaize is what....5 now. Izzic is 4 months older than Jaeli, and then Cooper is about 10 months younger than Jae is. Izzic is actually named after Jen's oldest son- Braeden Izzic. He passed away at about 6 months old. SIDS. After that was when we all kinda went our own ways- she went to Texas with her parents and we were all still up here. Gah that was horrible. I hope I never have another funeral like that in my life I have to be at. I think part of it was our age. We were all what....19 going on 20 *shrugs*. Having to attempt to wrap your mind around something so shattering that has no answers....and trying to be there for someone you care about and have known pretty much your entire lifetime and gone through so many other things with- wow. I cannot even begin to count the number of times I thought of them when Jaeli was a newborn, and thanked God every time I checked on her and she was fine. The first night she slept longer than 2.5 hours before waking up to eat....I woke up first. My heart was in my throat and I jumped out of that bed and practically into her bassinet- convinced something had to be wrong. I remember thinking okay woman....get a grip....things happen, and they happen for a reason. Deep breath....go on with things. It's got to be a big fear to any new parent at some point I think. But when you know not one, but two people you're close to who have experienced exactly that....its hard to not think of it from time to time....and be a little afraid of it even. Anyways....I'm excited to see what she's been up to lately is my point- sorry. If you haven't figured me out yet- I tend to ramble...and I tend to get off topic. Deal with it or hit the "x" ;)
In other MySpace related brother sent out a bulletin entitled "twat". Ug. He's such an ass *rolls eyes*. He's 15...almost 16 I guess. My Stepdad has a pretty foul (redneck) kinda mouth and always has (in fact once Jason and I had a conversation in which I uttered a phrase like "well Steve raised me when I was an impressionable child, and I turned out okay" *shrugs* after a discussion about the f-bomb lol). It's rubbed off on my little brother like whoa. Worse than what the stepparents realize I'm afraid. Jean talked to me about it a week or two ago though, so she knows about his foul MySpace mouth lol;) He said some pretty nasty things towards a girl who he previously liked and who liked him from what I knew....Colb blew her off and she started talking to someone else- thus prompting his little rant and name calling. I asked what the deal was with it (I give him crap for sending bulletins directed to one particular person to everyone and their brother....that's so annoying and stupid.....but he never listens *rolls eyes* lol) and he replied "she two-timed me". For starters I didn't think anyone said that phrase anymore lol;) Secondly I was like dude.....newsflash: YOU chose to blow her off. Last time I checked you had to be dating someone specific to be able to "two time" them anyways lol. He didn't think I was so amusing....but anyhow that's what Jean and I were talking about. He'd gotten into some trouble for stuff he'd said that they found out about later. Anyways....the little punk. Pardon my f-bomb.....but I fucking hate that word. It's so disgusting and derogatory....and well.....I dunno....just not classy. My Grandma (my Mom's Mom) had a fondness for it *rolls eyes* and it infuriated my Mom, and eventually me too (I suppose it rubbed off...I dunno *shrugs*...I just don't like it....use it for whatever you want....just not to me thanks)- so she'd do it just be annoying *rolls eyes*. It's not exactly funny or anything. It's just least for a 15 year old boy to be throwing around in my opinion. His attitude and language (pretty much towards women...which I think is what actually is under my skin at the moment- so sorry about my bitchiness and rant here....humor me) is on my last nerve these days. Blah.
Jaeli told Jason and I we were her "bes fend's" tonight- lmao. That's Jaeli, for best friends lol;) It was cute- she took his hand in one of hers and mine in her other one when declaring it *rolls eyes*. Crazy child. She's getting better and better with her ABC's (or her "EBCB's" if you ask her lol). She can count to 10 too (though she randomly replaces "two" with "five" sometimes lol *shrugs* who knows...). If you ask her what her name is she usually replies "Buggy!" But if you ask her what her real name is....she'll tell you Jaeli Brooke....only it sounds like "Jaybee Book" lol. If you ask what her 'whole' name is, she laughs and says "Buggy Deel" (but says Deel all pronounced like "Dee-uhl" lmao). She's fun and always changing! She has this Happy Meal toy headset thing (like a microphone) she wears around of late, declaring that "Momma....I MontanaMontana!!" (aka Hannah Montana lol....she loves that show *rolls eyes* should see her sing the "stttaaaarrrrrrrr" part of the song during the opening of it *rolls eyes*- hilarious). She's big into singing and music....and dancing. No place around here will take them for lessons before they're 3 though. Funny...the kids at the Y who were in the 4y class she could give a run for their money lol. She loves the spotlight that's for sure.....she's a lot of fun though!
Well heck.....I was wanting to finish the notes for the chapter I'm on before bed (Urinary....ooohhh....holla!! *rolls eyes*.....kidding....b.o.r.i.n.g.)- and its getting 'late' lol;) I've been better about getting my butt to bed these days. Life changes yo. Jaeli gets up way too early now lol;) Plus I dunno....just changes like I said I guess *shrugs*. Good ones lol. I guess there came a point where I thought okay....(after listening to Jason complain about my insomnia and going to bed alone for freaking ever and not knowing how to combat it...)- if it sucks for him to go to bed without me, and he misses that small frame of time like I'm realizing I do waking up with him in the mornings.....well then I guess that's reason enough to try harder (ie: lay there even if I'm not tired lol....I'm finding if nothing else its nice for the silence and being able to think....and appreciate the things in your life every day that sometimes we take for granted *shrugs*). Anyways yeah....that's that for today. Maybe tomorrow I'll learn how to add people to this stinking thing....and to add some pics too. G'night!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
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8:08 PM
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1 comment:
Jaeli is so cute. I watched all her video's yesterday. She reminds me so much of Bailey (the other Buggy I know hehe).
You don't like the word twat? LOL.
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