I'm annoyed....I can't get OD up and going. Jerks *sighs*. So I guess I'll just post here *shrugs*.
So the other day I said something to Ames about how I find it perplexing some of the things people choose to blog about. Dude....if I were as nuts and bad off as some of the people I sometimes come across- good lord.....freakin' make something up or something yo!?! What is the deal? You could at least invent a normal life instead or something lol, instead of wallowing in what is your life. That being said, I'm about to write an entry like that lol *rolls eyes*. What can I say *shrugs*- I'm girly....I told ya'll I don't do animals (I really meant it and I really meant it in EVERY kind of way imagineable thanks very much)....and well, at the risk of blogging about a part of my life that is a little on the wack-job side- what the hell *shrugs*.
I was uploading some pictures from the camera and the computer was naturally being slow. Whatever. I take my happy self into the kitchen....pack Jason's lunch with all the stuff that doesn't need to stay in the 'fridge....then move to the 'fridge and decide to clean some of it out (well yesterday I did so big time so it wasn't like that kinda clean out- but more so b/c we had pizza for dinner and I needed to reorganize to fit the leftovers in.....have the drink stuff on the top shelf (b/c it bugs me if it's elsewhere).....and have the rest of Jason's lunch up there too so it's obviously what is what. Mmkay.....I take some stuff out......after a few minutes of going about my business I come to check my screen so that I can add the rest of the pictures to my album if it was done. It is....so I sit down to choose the pics quickly, so it'll keep doing its thing while I finish mine in the kitchen- when low and behold something catches my eye from the floor. I didn't have time to really realize it and look to figure out what was going on, when suddenly.....whatever it was OBVIOUSLY hopped *cue heart attack here*. It was (sorry for the f-bomb girls, but in the moment it was what I was thinking lol) a fucking FROG people!!! A FROG!!! In my freaking HOUSE!!!! *shudders*.
Sorry kids....but some things....belong outside. And quite frankly....frogs are one of them *swoons*. As soon as I looked down at the little punk what did it do?? Hops into my KITCHEN....eeewwwww!!!!! It heads for a corner under the cabinets that actually has a small space it hopped into *dies*. Meanwhile I run for the living room (remember when I said I don't run....I'd be pressed to run for my life lol....but by gah I'll run for a frog yo.) frantically hollaring at Jase, who was asleep on the couch, to come quickly- there's a frog and he's gotta catch it!! I head back and grab the flashlight and shine it towards that corner....and the little effer hops out at me and then towards my freaking stove. Jason's grumbling about how its just a frog....but taking the light and getting something to help look under there- meanwhile I make a run for upstairs b/c my feet are ready to curl up and die for fear of being pounced on by a slimy icky frog *shudders some more*.
Exhibit A of the evidence.....I would never be caught dead in capri length sweats, Jason's socks, and my old Christmas slippers my GM got me like 2 years ago (hey- they were the closest thing to the dresser when I grabbed the socks lol *shrugs*).

I get back down and Jason's all on the floor hunched over in search of my long lost (and yet to be seen by him) froggie grumbling about the whole "its just a frog..." thing *rolls eyes*. Then he gets up and moves the stove b/c I swear on all that is holy that there IS a freaking frog under there damn it!!! If you think I'm hanging out to clean up the kitchen and do his lunch.....or getting in the cabinet or stove tomorrow......when there's a frog on the run in there, well you've got another thing coming thanks very much. I'll be damned. The thought of the stove actually moving out of its position has never crossed my mind *shrugs*. Good thing it disappeared there I guess.....it needed to be swept out like no other lol (there was a black sock under there *scratches head* lol....I know its not ours- it must have been from the previous tennant? whatever....just weird lol) (which I did afterwards btw). He finally sees the damn frog....and laughs b/c supposedly its a "baby frog" and not even a real one *rolls eyes*. Whatever. Animals are supposed to have babies in spring.....screw it being a "baby"....I think its really just the retarded runt frog out of the litter (or wtfe a bunch of baby frogs is flippin' called *shrugs*)--looks can be deceiving ya know. The frog caught on to that it was being watched and tried to hop to the other side and out.....luckily for him, Jason cornered it....grabbed it.....and then went to the door to put it out.....where I promptly made him throw it.....FAR. Ewwww....*shudders again thinking*. It was all nasty slimy looking. Ug.
Exhibit B- my kitchen after the chaos...don't mind all the food and crap I was cleaning up....
Exhibit C- More of that....and the above mentioned flashlight too lol;)

Exhibit D- Eewww....!!!!
Exhibit E- Oh hell yeah.....get that thing OUT of my house......NOW!!! Gross.
Thank goodness for him lol *rolls eyes*....that would suck if he weren't around to protect me from all the nasty things in the world I'm phobic about....bleh lol;)
And there you have it folks......I'm weird......I don't do frogs more than I do mice or anything else that may be in my home that isn't a human being. Yuck!!!
LMFAO. I'm dying over here laughing so hard. Best post ever. I love you Tori. You and your quirky fears lol.
And,glad to see I'm not the only one who is trying to get on OD but can't. Bitches.
eewe gross. I wouldn't want a nasty frog to be touching my foot in the middle of the night either. Love the protection girly =) *mwah*
Ewwwww!!! I like frogs (yes I know I'm wierd!) BUT not in my house!! Gross!
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