So I think I'm gonna do the restore setting deal this afternoon....I can't deal with this thing and it's effing popups- it makes me wanna toss the computer out the front door into the street yo. I've tried everything I can think of or look up and nothing is getting totally rid of it, or its coming back. That crap hacks me off. Enlighten me.....exactly what do pop-ups accomplish anyways?? It pisses people off, so the last thing they're gonna do is stop to look at your crap first and find some need to follow the link *rolls eyes*. Idiots.
Went shopping last night. No luck lol. are already hitting the fall mark- there are no wedding-ish shoes that are light enough, and have a small enough heel. That or they were hideous. Not cool. We found one pair at Von Maur that were eh, okay. But nope. Not that cute. She's gonna be screwed *sigh*. We also found one dress there that she liked. I think its too dressy but she wants it full length long because she's got issues with hating her legs like me- heh. However....I found several at Dillards that I tried on that hit mid calf and I still loved them *shrugs*. Too bad I couldn't tote around my Canon and shoot pictures discreetly lol. Took them on my cell phone but I don't have like the internet thingy on my phone- its just on Jason's *shrugs*. So oh well. people with the music player deals are cramping my blog following style yo. I must be the only person on the face of the planet who browses the web with my own music playing lol *shrugs*. I click on someone's page with music and my frigging Lean Like A Cholo starts skipping and then blares with something mixed in. Took me a time or two to figure out the damn player was at the bottom of the page too lol *rolls eyes*. I'm probably the only person on the face of the planet who logs into MySpace and makes sure I turn the speakers totally OFF lol. I hate that shit. I have different musical taste obviously lol than most people I know.....MySpace songs annoy the hell out of me b/c I think most of them suck lol. It usually includes my own song too so don't get yourself all bent outta shape. I browse and usually give up finding one I really like and just doing whatever *shrugs*- you know....turning the speaker off lol;) If I have to hear that stupid Hey There Delilah song one more damn time I'm going to go off myself I swear. Bleh. that that's off my chest lol *shrugs*. I figured I'd blog once if I'm gonna attempt fixing this stupid computer today- so if I disappear ya'll will know its cause I screwed it up even more lol;)
My shins and ankles are killing me worse today than yesterday. I think I'm going to die. Okay well not really. But it hurts like a mother- ice packs are my friend today. I got up to come downstairs at 5-ish before Jason left. I laid back down on the couch after hobbling down here and he came and kissed me goodbye before leaving lol. I told him I felt like he'd been kicking me in the shins and ankles about a hundred times each- I think he thought I was talking about dreaming that, cause he's all "oh yeah...that's what I've been doing..." and like humoring me- and I'm like no punk....they hurt from running damn it. Duh. I'm not talking in my flippin' sleep *rolls eyes*. Anyhow....I guess that's about all I know.
Heh...I caught part of Oprah yesterday- until it reminded me I needed to call my GM lol. Why you might be thinking (if you saw it lol)? Because after I graduated high school, we were all at the house for something or another....I was on the porch reading the paper and my Dad and her were also out there bs'ing. I exclaim omg....because I see in the paper that a girl a year younger than I am, well her Mom was in the paper for a birth announcement! Her parents are older than mine anyhow. But yeah. I was like "Omg- Dad....that'd be like you and MJ having another baby right NOW!!! Could you imagine?!?! Ug!" to which my GM turns and exclaims "Well I hate to break it you.....but teenagers are the only people that have sex...." as she walks inside. I look at Dad and am like ug....tmi thanks. That was sooooo not what I meant anyways lol. I just meant it would suck to be in your forties and starting back at square one with kids when yours are all in high school or graduated. Not my idea of a good time thanks *shrugs*. That and I'll never have a bunch of kids all scattered out in age, b/c I am one......and it isn't all fun and games. Its a lot of growing up quickly b/c you're responsible for your siblings b/c there are just too many of you for Mom to not need that help *shrugs*. As much as I love my siblings...and my parents...and as much as I know my childhood contributed to who I am now (and in some ways in my circumstances now with having lost my Mom I appreciate it a little more....b/c a lot of things I find I do as the Mom, were things I learned from her and helping with my brothers/sisters- its sort of comforting I guess sort of like, she's "there" in our life somehow *shrugs* I dunno how to explain it- I know it sounds stupid if you've not btdt, sorry *shrugs*)- I still don't think its right. My children will never be responsible for each other....ever. I debated that with a girl I used to work with, that I grew up with.....who kept having child after child, with a mentally abusive cheating husband (who was making even more kids...with various other, when they couldn't afford the three they had already anyways....and could care less because she just thinks it would be "fun" to have 7 kids....that's just what she wants, so whatever works, right? She had one sibling- this was her basis for all the "fun". I'm like you can work your ass off your whole life and not get to spend any time with them, b/c you're at work- trying to provide the maximum amount of mac/cheese and ramen noodles you can....with no help from your husband....letting your older kids essentially raise the younger ones. Oh yeah....lots of fun *rolls eyes*. Ug. People like that annoy me. Like watching the shows on the Duggars lol. It's like good lord *rolls eyes*. Of-freaking-course those kids are all saying they're happy and well adjusted on track people....they don't know any different way of life!!! Put them in the real world.....and they're gonna be like wth....where's my buddy?!? *rolls eyes*. I get taking on the attitude of being more than happy with whatever number of kids that the Lord is willing to give least they're stable in other ways, ya know? There are so many other people that say they "believe" that way and that's how they justify popping out child after child....when really if you get right down to it it's just irresponsibility on their part.
Okay got off topic lol- but I could argue about that stuff for days yo. Anyways Oprah....was about sex...reasons to have when you're older...and so on. It made me chuckle to myself and recall that conversation with GM lol. That and a subsequent trip a few years later shopping with her and Tomma andRhendi and hitting Victoria's Secret. Rhendi and I are shopping along minding our own business when the other two hollar across the room- "Tori, these are your colors!!! Jason would love it!!!" as they hold up some nightie thing *rolls eyes*. Rhendi and I looked at each other like what the hell have we gotten ourselves into here lol....she's all "well....I never thought we'd ever go shopping and hear anything like that out of Nan's mouth....that's just kinda weird" lol. Yeah. You're telling me. I got over it eventually lol- no trauma. Now its kinda funny and makes for interesting shopping trips (a couple Christmases ago R and I talked her into a Santa-inspired get up lmao.....their anniversary is Xmas Eve....since Tim and I are both gone now we teased them that they could actually have a "real" anniversary now lol- Tomma got a huge ball of mistle toe that year at the florist and snuck in and hung it in their bedroom too lol....we're all kinds of fun up in this family huh *rolls eyes*). Anyhow- I called her and told her she ought to watch....some gal was telling me if I have great sex in my 50's then I won't believe the sex I'll have in my 60's and 70's;) Lol. She agrees *rolls eyes*. I said well just please don't tell me you have sex at the golf course like the gal on here was all wild about.....*rolls eyes*. It was an interesting show lol. A fun one. My favorite were reasons for having sex......the lady getting the new house *rolls eyes*- hey whatever works *shrugs*. I mean at least it's her husband.....there are probably a whole lot of ladies out there with the same reasoning that are actually called....whores?? But yeah. entry wasn't that?!? *rolls eyes*. I'm out. Have a good one guys :)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Posted by
8:55 AM
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I hate problems with the computer too. Do you download a lot of stuff like music? I don't know that's when we had a lot of problems w/our computer so I just stopped downloading songs off the 'net. I had to completely restore the computer, save and reupload probrams the whole nine. So I understand your frustration.
I always turn my speakers off when I get on myspace (and here) it annoys me but I'm too lazy to change my playerlist LOL.
LOL at your whole sex part haha.
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