Welp....sorry about the layout changing ya'll.....I keep changing my mind- and I really have yet to find one that screams me and that I'm all in love with....so excuse me if it changes a few hundred times meanwhile.
And lastly, but certainly not least.....because hey- everybody needs a little Tori in their lives *shrugs*- Eh, just me.
I am now livid pissed. Can I also just say that I love saying that. Livid pissed, I mean. Why you ask?? Eh- I just like it. That and well, mostly because it seems to boggle Jason's mind lol *rolls eyes*. He walked off earlier mumbling something to the effect of "Livid pissed?!? What the hell is livid pissed....so what....you're 'mad-mad' or something...?" Psh. No! What do you think it is....I mean duh. Okay....sure....maybe I just am "mad-mad" thank you very much. I can be "mad-mad" if I want to also *shrugs* lol;)
Anyway....why....? That folks, would be because I just broke a needle. More importantly...the only needle I apparently have (probably not so true- but...natrually, I can't find any anywhere now that I need one....so for now it's remaining the only one I had...). Stupid needles. If I were a needle in my house....where would I be??? I'll tell ya where.....in the box with the pins, thread, ribbon, and everything else crafty/bow related *bangs head on wall*. Or possibly a set in my 'junk' drawer in the kitchen were the scissors, lighter, and gluestick are perhaps. Or heck....maybe even in the storage closet in, or near, my flippin' sewing machine. But.....unfortunately- a needle, I am not. I've got 7 dog related Kristin bows drying that I finished sewing before....I decide to get the "ABC" related ribbon to going to work on a bow for Jaeli....I finish sewing the individual layers- place them together to start stacking and sewing them together.....and low and behold- the damn needle literally makes this popping sound and flies across the table. Bleh. I just wanna finish my dang bow yo. Is that really so much to ask?!? So for the last 15 minutes I've been sitting here contemplating whether or not it's worth the time to drag my butt down to Walmart and get some- I mean hey.....I'm gonna have to go get milk there tomorrow anyway.....and gum for Jason lol....and heck- honestly....if I had absolutely nothing legitamate to get there, I could totally find something once I was there anyhow *shrugs*. However....I'm just not so sure I wanna go this late. Bleh. Gotta get up early for the race tomorrow....holla!
I finally talked to my GM today. Ooh...I might wanna add- in case some crazy person I don't know actually is now reading me....GM= my Grandmother.....while I'm at it....GD= my Grandad- fyi. Anyhow....so she 'retired' in June (she's been the secretary to the superintendant where I'm from for as long as I can remember) and has been all kinds of excited for that time to finally come for the last few years. What happens?? Oh ya know....like a month after this she calls to tell me she's going to "work in the library." I laugh. Like seriously....I laughed, and was all um, okay....why??? Lol. It's not like they need any extra income or something *shrugs*. And I thought she meant downtown at the public one. Oh no she says....the one in the high school....lol! Mr. Stewart (principle) made a comment about needing a replacement for there and she was joking about doing it. He decided that was brilliant lol- and hounded her until talking her into it (she argued that she has days with the girls on Monday's and a lot of Friday's lol- all these ladies she grew up with have now started retiring too and several have moved back, so they're all clique-like again now lol....it's cute- heh. She's never gambled a day in her life....in fact my Great Grandparents would just die if they were around to see her and Berd heading to Oklahoma to the casino on Monday afternoons just because lol *rolls eyes*- actually I'm real sure my GreatGM would just die if she knew Berd was back in town and they were bff'ing again lol- apparently she was rather wild, as was my GM lol. If they told them not to do something- you could bet your ass that's what they just left to go do lol;) ). So anyway- she's all living it up at the library now lol. She says its neat b/c she gets to do some para work and work with some kids, which she likes.....but hey, if nothing else she can read lol- and get paid for it;) I on the other hand?? Am soooo not liking the new job. I attempted to put my foot down but I don't think it did much good lol;) She called this afternoon all "I haven't heard from you in forever...." and so on (note: she's like my Mom/best friend/GM wrapped into one....its not unusual for me to talk to her several times a day ususally *shrugs* lol- so I'm a 'mama's girl' or in this case GM's lol, but you get the point *shrugs*- I don't care yo. I'm also the favorite....heh;) Just kidding. Anyways....I said yeah I know....cause you have a REAL job now and I can't get ahold of you whenever I want....and frankly I'm not liking it one bit- I think you should just give it up lol. Again- kidding but still....she laughed too. Her new project she says, is talking Stewart into some remodeling lol- I wish I had a picture of the school, it'd make more sense then, but basically there's an open place on the lower level the library is actually build around. She told him the other day she wants that part of the floor taken out, and skylights put in, and so then it can be all open and badass looking lol *rolls eyes*. At that rate I don't have to worry about things....they'll have to get rid of her pretty soon lol;) I guess he called Mr. Poage (the superintendant lol- who was all thinking it was a brilliant idea for her to go to that position....cause then she's right there to help Pam out still lol, that gal who took her place) and told him he had a problem...."Jane." Lol. Eh- at least she can still cause trouble....they need it there lol *shrugs*.
Okay- sorry for the ramble *shrugs*. My point was going to be that my Uncle and his gf came down last night for the Homecoming game (yeah....the prison gal, my fellow OD'ers have heard about *rolls eyes*). Trust me....I'm still on top of digging up more dirt, but I'm also kinda thinking maybe in time she'll destroy herself lol. I guess they saw my Aunt Charissa up there, she's Tim's age too (another clarification...she's not really my Aunt I guess....a family friend- my Mom's bf growing up was her sister, and their Mother was my G'ma's bf also). She always asks about him and how he is when any of us see her- strictly b/c they grew up together.....both sides of my family have been really close to theirs, so that was neat and all. And there's another kid who was in his class that was wounded recently in Iraq that he'd been worried about that showed up- so he was really excited to see him too. My GM said LeAnn acted all pissy when he was talking with Charissa *rolls eyes*, and then my GD said he thought she even acted that way when he was talking to Jerry *rolls eyes*. He is SO not the kind of guy that would fly with normally. Not at ALL. But there's something about this hooker that has him all kinds of weird *crosses fingers she self destructs real soon*. Ug. Whatever.
Welp I guess I better knock off the nonsense blogging about nothing and get stuff done around here so I can get my butt to bed or I'll be not a happy fiance in the morning to wake up and get ready;) Goodnight kids!!
1 comment:
First of all, can I just say youre effin fabulous as always! Looking very trendy and sexy might I ad!
Second how the heck did you get your background? It's cute :]
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