So I tried everything on the face of the planet (including spyware duh) to fix the would get to nearly being finished and there would be two system 32 files that were infected it just couldn't seem to rid of. Stupid virus bs. Anyhow- I tried the restore thing.....had issues b/c it would freeze up when it got to those two files. Then it would just freeze and not attempt the restore at all. So....finally it was like okay screw it, I'll just have to restore it to the factory shipped condition.....otherwise I'm just staring at a blue screen telling me its messed up and missing a file it needs to start and work right. So bleh. That was the only other alternative. Naturally....I'm still adding back other programs we had on here. Thank gah I've started burning my pictures off constantly- as soon as I've got a disks worth....and haven't taken any important ones here lately or I'd have to be livid they're gone. So get this: we have iTunes. We've had it for years now....right after we got back from Jamaica was when we bought the first iPod we have- so you do the math. There have been two times something messed up with our computer or with iTunes and it had to be reinstalled altogether. All the music? Gone. But in our iPod so no biggie'll transfer. Nope.....Jason was in charge and twice....yes twice....ended up deleting our whole library from the iPod in the process *bangs head on wall*. I was so irritated with him...I mean come on- he obviously was just hitting "yes" to everything that popped up and not reading it the hell do you just up and delete hundreds of songs. The first time we had purchased music from iTunes on it, plus Jason went through every cd we had and added music he liked. We're talking hundreds and hundreds of songs and lots of time for that one. We didn't add back the stuff from our own cd's b/c it took so long in the first place. Therefore ever since- the only music in the library is stuff we've purchased from iTunes. We're talking 300-and some odd songs as of yesterday. Yesterday I wouldn't let Jase even touch the damn iPod let alone install it all on the computer....b/c he was just being an ass and not paying attention when it screwed up before....anyone can sucessfully do this right? I mean duh.
Heh. Wrong. I took my sweet little time, and still ended up doing the same damn thing. I tried several options....I tried opening my "help" section and searching....nothing. I then opened an IE page and searched the support site.....did what I thought it was telling me to do in the articles....and bam- suddenly I've got nothing left. Fuckers. I was so livid pissed. I'm still livid pissed. So I email the support people- before we emailed them and they just sent back a link where all our music was available to be put back on the computer- end of story. No notes or anything along with it *shrugs*. So I get home last night and get this:
Dear Jason,> > I'm sorry to hear the titles you purchased from the iTunes Store with account "" were lost. I know how upsetting that can be.
> > After researching your request, I found that on 2/21/2006 and 3/06/2007 you were allowed to download the purchases you had made with the account "" Each of these was an exception to the iTunes Store Terms of Sale. I'm sorry, but the iTunes Store can't make a third exception for you.
> > Apple encourages customers to back up their hard disks regularly. If the disk needs to be replaced, you can restore your purchases and other data from the backup and avoid the need to purchase replacement copies of your collection.
These articles may be helpful:> > How to back up your media in iTunes (for iTunes 7 users)>
> > How to back up your media in iTunes 5 or 6>
> > This article explains how to transfer purchases from your iPod:> > Copying iTunes Store purchases from your iPod or iPhone to a computer
>> > I found this article for you on the iTunes support website at:
>> > At that website you will find a wide variety of helpful tutorials, troubleshooting tips, and support information.> > To find answers to general questions about iTunes, open iTunes and choose "iTunes Help" from the Help menu.> > Please review the Terms of Sale:
> > Thank you for being an iTunes Store customer. We appreciate your business.
> > Sincerely,
> > Stephen>
iTunes Store Customer Support>
Thanks but no thanks. Actually, those articles won't be helpful, since I have no music to back up. I'd like to know who to contact about suggesting the process be more clear- as I read your sync from the ipod to a computer article.....and that's exactly what I thought I was doing when I clicked that "Yes" and all my music disappeared. crap. And I'm sorry, but if our PURCHASED music is a violation of terms of service then why was it made available prior?!? If I was just an idiot who thinks they can delete their entire iPod library and get it instantly back all the time it would be one thing, but this has legitimately happened- I opened my help menu and searched before ever hitting that stupid button that destroyed everything, and got no results. I then opened my IE page and went to the SUPPORT SITE and searched there....I got info that didn't pertain to what I was trying to do, or was shady and didn't say exactly what I was seeing or being clear....I did what I thought that was telling me to do......and suddenly felt the urge to puke b/c I'd just accomplished what I thought my fiancee was being absent minded over and I'd been angry over prior. And on top of all that....I'm sorry but we can't possibly be the only people on the planet with that problem, so it obviously needs to be addressed to the attention of the appropriate Apple person period.
It is obvious you don't know just how upsetting that can be- we're not talking about a little time lost downloading things....we're talking about HUNDREDS of dollars worth of music we legitimately purchased. Livid would be a better term. I made sure to very carefully and slowly go through the process of installing things on our computer after the virus attack we had- precisely b/c my fiancee was in charge of it before and quickly clicked a button before really being clear on what would happen and seeing he'd deleted everything. I thought it was crazy he could do that with reading the instructions, that clearly he must have just hit yes without really reading or something....until I did so, carefully, several times, having others read it, calling a friend with an iPod and asking her and reading the screen to her as well....and ended up doing the same thing (after choosing the other option first, and absolutely nothing happening and our music not available at that point even). I think it's assinine in the first place that you could even just up and delete an entire library like that when you're merely installing. It should never even be an option....who spends 99 cents a song on hundreds of songs (and several whole albums on top of that) and just up and is okay with losing all that?!?! That is nuts. After losing several hundred songs today- that obviously adds up to my spending several hundred dollars with iTunes on music on top of the two hundred and some odd I first spent when purchasing the actual iPod to begin with (and later also money an iPod shuffle, that no longer can be used either), in part because of the customer support received in the past....there is no way I'm going to just sit back and say oh well....I'll spend a few hundred more to "fix" things. I'll retire my iPods, iTunes, and promptly send info to everyone I know to beware that they could just as easily be screwed over as well.....or at least maybe some of your "helpful" articles might help one of them before it's too late, where it wasn't made clear or helpful for us. Thank you.
That was the nicest way I could possibly email the jackass back. Note: I'm still livid pissed. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be livid pissed for awhile. No more Lean Like A Cholo for me I guess *rolls eyes*. Ug.
Friday, September 28, 2007
I'm Back.
Posted by
8:42 AM
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