I just cannot get into the groove of this place. But....since OD is STILL being an ass every other time I attempt to bring it up anyways- what's a girl to do *shrugs*?
So I'm not getting skinny enough fast enough. Do we all know what this means?? No, no.....not starving myself. I'm not so good at that *shrugs*. If I could starve Jason too, I'd be good to go- but ya know...I've gotta do my wifely duty and keep the boy fed decently. Too bad I'm not a terrible cook. Anyhow- what does it mean? It means.....I'm going to go run tonight. Someone shoot me now please *dies*. I hate running. Unless of course I'm running from a frog, as previously documented this week lol;) It's the logical thing to do though. For starters b/c Nicolle wants me to go with her...she gained 2/10ths of a pound last week (she weighs in on Wed.s with Jenny Craig) and I fed her Taco Bell and Pizza Hut both during that week....so I'm being guilted into it lol;) Secondly though- it's the logical thing to do b/c I like my DrPepper and whatever else....if I maintain something like that physically- then fuck dieting forever....I'll eat like crap and run;) I'm kidding. Kinda- but you get my point;) I packed on massive amounts of weight after my Mom died. I tried everything diet wise. I started running after work and with Nicolle- and off it came, uber fast. So as much as I hate running- I'm going. Jason's amused I'm sure. He's coming with lol- I dunno yet if its to stay at the house with both kids so we can go alone, or if he's going to accompany us. I hope its the first of the two lol. That's why I never would run with him before, I went by myself- I know I don't run "right"....and I don't give a flying you know what. As long as I get skinny fast- I don't care if I look up or down or ball my fists or breathe very second or every 3 seconds or what the hell ever *rolls eyes*. I'm real sure he's gonna insist on dragging me to First Gear this weekend now. The last time Nicolle got the crazy idea to run in her head he said I needed new running shoes first *rolls eyes*. I like my shoes thanks. I have two pair of running shoes I've barely worn- they were purely purchased for the cuteness factor lol (pink ones and yellow ones). But when I started running back when I lived on campus I got these black/white/yellow Nike ones that were on sale lol and that are still the most comfortable things EVER. Those are the only ones I've ever used to run....or walk....or goof around playing volleyball or whatever in. I like them. They don't hurt my feet. My cute pairs don't hurt my feet until I actually attempt to do something physical in them :( Fuckers. I definitely don't wanna go down there this weekend- the half marathon is Sunday. I'll go to watch Jason and have to listen to those guys give me crap about running now too *gags*. Sorry fellas- my motivation is not being competitive or my utter "love" for running....and sweat *dies*....but rather pure vain-ness. I just wanna be hot- end of story.
Note: I did clarify to Jason that if he goes with us.....we're talking run as in down the block.....not across town yo. He laughed. I'm not sure if that was good or not lol;) The last time we got ambitious and started this.....we ran from Nicolle's parents house (they still lived in BP where we grew up then- in the country). Fun little story *rolls eyes*. First you get the background: When we were like.....eh.....in 3rd grade.....a girl from Wichita went missing- Nancy Shoemaker. It was ALL over the news for months. She walked to the gas station for her stepmother to get her little (sick) brother some 7Up- and was abducted. It was scary, just as a kid seeing another kid on tv like that missing.....it was obviously a huge story here....and I think everyone's parents at some point or another stressed when we were out playing to stay right there....we don't wanna disappear like that one girl....right? So months and months later....at that point we lived in RH (my Mom had remarried Steve by then) and I'd go stay the night some weekends with Coley. I do this this one particular weekend. That Sunday night afterwards was stormy weather wise. They kept interrupting the show we were watching (my brothers, myself, and Steve) with weather bulletins- well they break in with more breaking news.....and suddenly I'm looking at the outskirts of BP and they're flashing the girls picture up. They found her. People out walking had come across human remains. Steve's all "whoa! That's the hedgerow by Jorge and Virginia's!" - aka: Nicolle's parents. The gal is live from there *cue me dying*. They found the body in her neighbors hedgerow edge/field (a part which was used only to dump waste....like farm animals/ect...)- a mile down the way from Nicolle's house exactly. Right down along the road we'd rode our bikes down, went for walks down.....ect ect. My terrified level at that point was equal to when BTK reappeared lol- if you read me on OD then you'll get the point lol;) Those people had to have driven past their house to get out there....just knowing that much creeped me out like whoa. Just knowing some poor girls body had been laying down the way all the while.....just was creepy, and scared the hell out of us. Stuff like that doesn't happen in places like we're from- ya know....you're all innocent then lol. Neither one of us would sleep alone in our rooms for months. Virginia called my Mom and said Nicolle wouldn't do ANYTHING by herself- take a bath, sit in the living room watching tv, nothing. My thing was just at night- falling asleep wasn't cool for awhile. But I wasn't a mile down the road either *shrugs*. It wasn't so fun to go stay there after that lol. We would play right around the house, but if we heard a car we'd run into the garage and wait- once we watched a truck and two people across the way in their field and freaked out enough to get her Dad to go over there.....they were hunters lol *rolls eyes* but hey *shrugs*. We were like 10 man. It still creeped me out years later in high school- the bright idea to drive out there to that field b/c there was like a cross and memorial out there people had left for her came up. We'd never gone back down that way- ever lol. Stupid high school boys had to play around and try to scare everyone- never been back lol;) Anyhow......
Fast forward to college and deciding to go run while our laundry was going at her parents house. Virginia laughed b/c I actually agreed to go lol. What happens......we start running down said road. We get almost to the intersection (this girl was found right down after the actual intersection a bit) and what does Nicolle's dumbass point out? Oh gee....a big trash bag on the side of the road. What does she decide is the bright thing to do as I'm saying just come on....poke it with a stick or two....and find bones....and hair *dies*. It was decomposed enough not to be obviously some sort of animal or another- and if you think we were gonna open the bag to check out the rest you're out of your ever lovin' mind. I was like screw this- we turned around and ran back to the house.....and made her Dad go find it and make sure it wasn't a person lol. Never fear.....it was part of a deer someone decided to bag up and dump *rolls eyes*. They still give us crap for being weenies but whatever. Point being: stay tuned for an update entry tonight. I'm taking my camera for one....and for two- something stupid and weird is bound to happen.....obviously. Lol;)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I'm trying....I'm really trying....
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10:46 AM
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The highlight stuff was like 8.96 but the eyeshadow is like 5.96.
My hair is a little flat today but I did take pictures :] I'll post them on flickr in a few. My toes too because they're wicked hot hehe.
man wish I could be your running buddy. I want to get back into running. I haven't done it in about two weeks or so.
But man I would just die and freak out if I saw that bag with hair and bones in it. That's creepy how that girl was found so close by. Do you know the details about what happened to her? I mean obviously someone killed her, but that just sucks. =(
and yes OD is being a bitch for me too. I want to read some faves and x-post, but no such luck.
LMAO you crack me up!! I am NOT a runner, never have been, I can't get the whole breathing thing right and end up hyperventilating!! Not fun!! Hope everything goes well!!!!
I love that you are here. Blogging would not be the same without you!
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