I'm annoyed with this thing again. I try and make it pretty and what does it do??? Deletes my people *tear* lol. Go figure lol *rolls eyes*. I'll fix it later I guess.
I so need to eat something. I ended up with a horrific headache last night- I haven't had a migraine in a hundred years. Okay well not a hundred...but you get the point. It's been a super long time since one has actually made me sick to my stomach :( No fun. Fell asleep way early. Woke up at like 11 something- starving.....but with a pounding headache still none the less. I'd started fixing one of those fet. alfredo dinner things in the microwave and so I finished that....only to be sorely disappointed....they changed how they made them and added broccoli/carrots. Don't get me wrong- I heart my broccoli and carrots yo. But when I'm already feeling like crap and in a foul mood- the last thing I want is a dinner that used to be my favorite, coming out like that. Bleh. It did help eating a little I guess. I laid down on the couch with my ice pack thing (its my bff when this crap flares up....there's a difference to just a migraine, or one that affects the entire right side of my body practically. The latter of the two is b/c of an injury my sr year coming out of a stunt. Fuckers. My right shoulder is where it starts flaring up....then it goes down into my arm/wrist....then my hip- ug...that's the worst! Yup- btdt with physical therapy and I go to the chiropracter still *shrugs*....such is life I guess...). Yesterday Nicolle was late picking Cooper up again. I don't even really get why, since she called to tell me when she was on her way to begin with but whatever I suppose. By that time he was really wearing on me....he wasn't in the best of moods either and decided instead of holding Aunt T's hand while we go downstairs, he'd rather grip it for dear life while suddenly going limp and throwing himself on the floor for a fit, and nearly ripping it out of the socket- thanks very much. Ug. Dude.....you could have at least grabbed ahold of my LEFT hand instead. Grrr! It was all downhill from there. Bleh.
I feel like I need to do a hundred things today but can't really think of exactly what they are lol *shrugs*. I'm waiting to hear from Coley on if they wanna do something for dinner tonight. That determines whether I'll agree to go "run" with Jason when he's ready to go. I'm game....unless we're going out afterwards. Sorry but my makeup looks way good today thanks- not messing it up for no good reason. That....is not a good reason. He seemed to think hot sex would be a good reason- and while that would be up further on the good reason list.....still not good enough;) Psh...he can wait until we get home yo *rolls eyes*;) It takes me entirely too long to get all my massive amounts of hair dry and flat ironed and like I want it- I'm not messing that up either thanks;) I know....I'm uber pleasant today right? Lol.
Tomorrow is the half marathon. I'm going. Partly because I want to watch him do well, and take some decent pics....but mostly in case I need to give off a "we're too good for you....he's taken....and I'm hotter than you are....just in case you didn't catch that memo yet..." vibe if the hoochie who was giving out phone numbers and wanting to go "run" with my other half a few months back. I don't really have a reason to be bitchy realistically speaking....just the fact that it doesn't matter what Jason thinks....I'm a girl....I know how we work....girls don't give out numbers like that in innocent ways- we're just smart enough to make men think that *rolls eyes*. I'm also smart enough to give off said vibe if need be- without him realizing I'm doing it *winks*....because god forbid I overreact and look like an ass b/c she's never acted interested other than with running right? Psh. Heh. It'll be fun I'm sure lol. Again- as much as realistically speaking I don't really have anything to be a super bitch with.....if I wasn't in a relationship I cared about having and had eyes open enough to catch on to someone before I had reason to totally flip out- I might. And I don't appreciate that b.s. If there is one thing I will never be....it's a whore. And sorry....it doesn't make a bit of difference to me if you sleep with someone elses man or not- if you're interested in them and you pursue it, however that may be......sorry.....you're chalked up to a whore in my book- you'd be one if given enough chance *shrugs*. It's classless and tactless.....no matter how old you are, or any other circumstances. I guess I just have more respect for myself, and for other people, than to disregard such things. Sorry- was talking to a friend yesterday about someone we know in that circumstance: I mean a girl we're friends with, who's falling into that 'whore' category- disregarding the fact said guy has a family....b/c it "doesn't seem to bother him..." *gags*. I'm just going omg- listen to yourself.....do you really not think more of YOURSELF than to become "that girl"?!?!? Is it really okay to some women out there to be all flirtacious and after some sort of relationship with a guy you know you aren't going home with at the end of the day- b/c they've already got someone waiting there for them?!? Who the hell thinks that's okay??? It blew my mind listening to her. My gah *rolls eyes*. We're 26 years old....not 16? Why will there always be people that never grow up?!? I listen to her reasoning....and just want to hit her over the head with something to try and knock some sense into her and be like gee.....how's it workin' for ya?!? Duh. Anyways....
Did I mention the foul mood thing today?? Ha.
I need a vacation lol.
Jason's watching "The Tour of Missouri" on tv. We were going to try and go for part of it, but ended up deciding not to last minute (I'm glad....he's wallowing in his sorrows for missing such a fab thing....)- he's now in the other room swearing to me that we WILL be there next year lol. Okay *shrugs*.
Well hell....I suppose I better do something productive today before Jae's up from nap time and it's all gone to heck;) Have a good weekend kids!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Posted by
1:13 PM
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