I feel like I have about a billion things to do today. But can't remember for the life of me now what they are *rolls eyes*. Other than the easy stuff.....ya know....laundry....lunch....lol;)
We went out to Jason's grandparents to meet up with his Aunt to pull off this 1st Annual Neighborhood BBQ yesterday. Yeah- found out Patty got the same thing we did...no one really asked if any of us had plans lol, we were just told to be there, when, and what had to be done. Patty went early to mow...and the gal across the street (new gal I might add...moved here from California...I know, crazy right? Lol....and get this....she claims she likes it here better even lol;) But then said that might also be because she just retired- hence the reason for her move lol). It was interesting. Jaeli is all go all the time. She always has been, so this is nothing new I know- however....omg I'm gonna go crazy having to do things like this with her. She LOVES animals and the poor girl is deprived b/c we're never going to have any lol--people had their dogs over and all she wanted to do was run around after them playing. I'm a little on the jumpy side b/c she makes me nervous. I know that it's different out there in the "country" than where we live traffic wise. Its nearly non-existant for the most part. However....there are still roads and she's still quick to run for them. I don't want her thinking that's okay out there and coming home and doing the same here. Not gonna fly. Yet everyone thinks I'm being overly Mom-ish going after her out there *rolls eyes*. Puh-leese people. You let that little girl get going, and before you know it--she's g.o.n.e. She's scared of nothing- and I mean nothing! Anyhow....the neighbor directly next to Dean and Allene is Tina (well...she's got a husband and kids too lol but I dunno them *shrugs*) and we do know her farily well. She's got a little tiny dog named Frankie, who if he can figure out an escape route runs for Dean's property the second he can see/hear the Jaeli's out there running around and helping Pa. It's funny....cause lagging behind you'll see Tina coming along yelling for him and profusely apologizing lol. None needed. Jaeli likes Frankie as much as he likes her;) Anyhow- she had a good time playing with Frankie. The gal that lives there (oh I was gonna mention...she went out and stopped Patty from mowing and suggested they move the shindig to her yard b/c it would have shade and Dean's would not- so we did) has two dogs and a bird. Her smaller dog, Caesar, enjoyed chasing and licking the kiddo too. Anyhow- She took Jaeli (well and me....as if I'm gonna let my kid walk off with a stranger...even if she is the neighbor....nah....) in to see her. She never would talk for us but it was neat for Jae to see. There is a guy who lives down the street and up a few blocks from where we actually are, who has this big white (forget what its called...) bird. They are always out on the corner (his house sits on the corner where there is a 4way stop), just sitting and waving to people driving by. We lived down the block from this place when I was in high school and living here with my Mom. The guy has done this for as long as I can remember *shrugs*- thus people in Augusta know who "The BirdMan" is *shrugs*. Anyhow- Jae is always facinated when we drive by and he waves at her;) Its cute- she waves back obviously lol. Anyhow- that's the closest she's ever really seen a bird like that until yesterday, and she was all amazed. Tina had brought over some things for kids to play with....bubbles, and squishy ball and bat....that sorta stuff. Naturally ours was the only "kid" like that to show lol. Most everyone out there are older and retired. Technically its a little addition out about 5 miles from the city limits- but unlike the people who built across the highway, everyone here bought at least 5 acres of land to build on, so there's still the "country" aspect to it all as well. One of the people across from them has horses and things even- another thing Jae is obsessed with lol. She loves it out there. Anyhow- so we did our thing. Grilled hamburgers. All that fun stuff. Patty and I bs'ed on the sidewalk and chased Jae. It was weird b/c we obviously didn't really know anyone- and they didn't really understand who we were or why we were there lol but oh well. We thought it was bizarre the gal across the street that came up with the concept in the first place wouldn't have said omg....family emergency.....don't even worry about things- I'll take care of it. But whatever works I guess. Not everyone thinks alike. Patty and I decided when we finally left and got back into the house to glance at the clock.....that was the LONGEST two hours of our lives. I thought it had to have been at least 7...oh no....just 6 *sighs* lol. For those of you who were lucky enough to read my feminism article *rolls eyes* rant, you'll remember that doing things like that with the neighbor up the way is so not my idea of a good time, let alone something I just feel I should do. In fact, as opposed to that option I'd much rather get my ass back to that kitchen and make that "god damned peach pie" *rolls eyes*. I was glad to get back home afterwards, but had fun hanging out bs'ing with Jason's Aunt- as we don't see them all that much.
I'm in some domestic kind of mood. I made muffins. Then I made (with Jaeli's help naturally *rolls eyes*) sugar cookies. My Aunt spoke up about when we moved out here last year, that she had my Mom's cookbooks. I was kind of aggrivated b/c I'd been trying to track them down for like 5 years thanks very much, and assumed by that point that her asshole of an ex still had them *shrugs*. Apparently there is only one (I know otherwise but that's all she has supposedly- that's okay....I got the one I wanted *shrugs*)- but whatever. Anyhow- its an old one she had and used a lot....and its the one she wrote out any other recipes she used a lot. She made really fabulous chicken and dumplings- unlike anyone else I've ever had actually. I miss them. Jason says it wasn't chicken and dumplings, it was chicken and biscuts *rolls eyes*. But he thinks his Grandma's chicken and NOODLES are dumplings- so that shows what he knows *rolls eyes*. Anyhow- back to the point....she has a really good sugar cookie recipe written in that I use for Halloween and Christmas cookies. It's September baby.....I can start busting out into Halloween/Fall mode. Yay!!! Lol. I tried getting my stuff out of the shed last night and couldn't see well...and Jason was all "It's SEPTEMBER!!!" *rolls eyes*. Too bad I'm getting it out and up while he's at work. Heh. He's one to talk. He bought me Pumpkin Spice candles two weeks ago lol. I love those kind of scents. I love fall *sigh*. I don't like waiting until October to do that kind of stuff any more than I think its cool to just put your Christmas tree up a week before Christmas. Psh. Mine looks bad ass thank you very much. I wanna look at it for awhile. In fact I'll probably leave it up into January thanks very much lol;) My Christmas mode starts in November;) Anyways....Jae and I made good cookies yesterday. I took a couple of pictures but haven't loaded them yet. We've got to frost them today. She gets to frost "her" cookies lol. They're kinda flat and funny looking for pumpkins;) But hey, what the heck. It was fun.
All in all I think we had a pretty good extended weekend. Yesterday was a fun day. When I woke up (well....I should rephrase this to say: when Jaeli woke us up lol), I woke up to realizing there was actually a warm body still laying next to me, and a kiss on the head. Thumbs up to that lol *rolls eyes*. Jason's a go to bed early and get up early kinda guy. Mostly b/c of being used to getting up around 4am for work during the week. But his obsession with running/biking figures in anymore too lol. He's usually off and doing one or the other when Jae and I get up on the weekends. My night owl tendancies and the insomnia factor have always annoyed him somewhat (as if they don't me *rolls eyes*....I cannot even kinda remember what it feels like to have a set time you go get into bed and then shortly after your head hits the pillow you're out like a light for the night....I wish I did....life would be a bit more simple lol)- I'm trying to fix that somewhat. Sometimes I think that not being able to fall asleep/being tired is how I start off....but then I get sidetracked by something I'm doing since I'm up and might as well- and that just prolongs it and makes it worse. Anyhow- the last week or so I've found myself thinking man....it was nice to actually wake up to him still being there, or to him waking me up all uber nicely (b/c otherwise I'm likely to bite your head off....as I'm a bit bitchy in the early morning hours thanks.....you're better off not speaking to me until I speak to you first lol). I suppose it works both ways, huh? I think I can lay in bed wide awake for a bit if need be as a trade off for that lol. We'll see;)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Now or Never.
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8:39 AM
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