The next month or so is going to be hectic I I might as well just suck it up and get used to it. But seriously....I feel like we have had NO weekend whatsoever. I miss my Jase *tear* lol;) BTW....watched that "I Think I Love My Wife" movie.....loved it lol!
Scott and Nicolle's wedding is in just about a month (October 13th...and while I'm at, that means so is my birthday's the 14th. I'm still debating whether or not it's celebratable this year though....I'll let you know when I decide...). We've got to figure out the program this week....and she's GOT to scan me the pictures I need this week so I can get the video done. I know I'm gonna have to make her though. Her Mom and I were bs'ing about that yesterday lol;) Virginia was like look....I'll be here a few days at the beginning of the week, so if it's a matter of Jaeli and Cooper being all up in everything- it's taken care of....we've just got to get her to sit down and DO it!! She's right though (Nicolle would kick my ass for agreeing with her though lol- hee hee). She's been putting that and some other stuff off for awhile. We'll get her whipped into shape though;) means hectic life for all....b/c with the house being newly finished- we're all helping get the finishing touches going. The weekend before last was the boys getting the rocks/mulch/flowers in and done in the front while us womenfolk did the invites. This weekend has been the men putting up the fence (mind you....Jase is a perfectionist and wants everything nice and right the first time....Jorge is inbetween....and Scott is just like oh hell no- just throw it up and it'll work....and then he'll be pissed later....Makes for an interesting combo). Oh yeah....and cutting the cable line to all the houses on the block *oops* *rolls eyes*. Geez. Lol. They're going to be finishing that much for days this week after work. Then next weekend they're going to be laying sod. And so on....everything has to be done before the wedding weekend. Meanwhile Nicolle and I have stuff to get done still- gifts in particular and going shopping for them! Plus she just needs help getting the rest of the house unpacked and put together....she didn't ask....I'm telling her that much lol. Or more so just going to do it- or it won't get done and it will eventually drive her nuts (she's a packrat and has clutter everywhere....and quite frankly if I got home when she did after doing all she does at work everyday, to have a few hours with just her and Coop since Scott is on 2nd shift, and do all the normal everyday stuff unpacking motivation would be lacking too....I'm good with unpacking so I've got her back yo). It's just gonna be a long but at the same time quick month, ya know? Jam-packed. And I'm gonna be lacking Tori-Jason time......and I'm wanting and needing that right now yo. Bad timing. But boy will that be one hell of a weekend lol;) Rehersal and dinner Friday night- fun times....visiting with everyone we haven't seen in a billion years and all. Then her parents have already gotten Coley and I a room for that night at the hotel (where the reception will also be) so we can just hang out and reminisce, but also throw some last minute pictures I take at the rehersal into the video;) I'm excited for that night really- it's been a long time since we've had just T and Coley time, ya know? We grew up together from the time we were babies- we have two extended families like that. We went through so much together growing up...stayed in touch on the phone and writing letters after my Mom divorced my Dad and we had to move. She was always there for me with all the craziness between my Mom and Dad and Stepmom and then moving back and living with my Grandparents. We did everything together in high school- omg we had sooo much fun lol. She's always been my absolute best friend in the world- understood me without ever having to ask me anything and vice versa. We lived together for 6 months when we were in college though...and wow- it ended badly lol. We were just very very different people then- plus it was right after my Mom died. I know I probably wasn't much fun to live with....but I felt really alone/abandoned, especially by her and Jason and a few other close friends- like everyone wanted and said they were "there" for me....but then brushed me off or changed the subject or just didn't talk to me, when it was obvious I was hurting like whoa. I think they were left feeling like okay....if somethings wrong and she's hurting, she'd say something....While I was left screaming inside can they see that I'm hurting soo bad- and never say a word, or anything?!? I was in this serious I know what I want and this is what I have to do to get there stage....I worked all the time....she never did- her parents would cover her part of things if she couldn't- she was ready to party....and when I came home to loudness outside my window on the balcony and my part of the groceries gone.....I wasn't very happy. But we didn't communicate about it- just drifted apart I guess. I seriously think a good year went by without us really talking at all- then she called me on my 21st birthday (astonished that I was in bed and not going out lol) and we slowly became better friends again....until the point that she was living with Scott and I was at Newman on campus- and we were together 24-7 again. Right after that I got pregnant with Jaeli- and everything was back to normal. When I was about 5 months pregnant was when her sister was killed. Anything that hadn't been back to the way it was before was by that point and then some. As much as I hate to say it this way, I think it helped our friendship somewhat. I lost a Mom, not a sister.....but it was still a crazy unexpected loss that I never thought would happen. We're the kind of girls growing up that things like that would never happen too *shrugs*- the kind that had everything going for them always....things were never really all that "hard"....we excelled in anything we ever did....had lots of friends and lots of fun.....always knew what was coming in life- until those two things inparticular happened. They both put a crossroads into life that we never saw coming. Tragedies like that....didn't happen to people like "us", ya know? Gah that sounds awful but I dunno how else to explain what I mean *shrugs*. So oh well. It changed life big time for both of us- we both made choices that we probably would have never ever even thought about happening afterwards. But in the's bringing us to better places anyhow. As horrible as it was to experience individually- in the end it all contributed to us being able to be friends like we are. It felt good for me to be able to be there for her when Sheri died like no one was for me. It also made her kind of see why I was the way I was back then after my Mom died- and though we've not really sat and talked about exactly this, but I think it added another difficulty for her at the time b/c she saw how she wasn't there for me...but it was like a bonding thing then if that makes sense? It also helped me move on a little bit I think. It's not so scary when someone else feels your pain, ya know? Even if its not exactly the same. Honestly, our losses then....combined with our pregnancies shortly there after, I think made the bond we have as such close friends who grew up together anyhow that much stronger. I have a lot of 'good' friends.....but there won't ever be one that surpasses her or who understands like her. Not even Jason lol- heh;) Anyhow- it'll be fun to just hang and be the girls again for a night or two instead of the grown ups/ Moms that we are now lol. No one can piss me off quite like she can.....but when it comes right down to it, no one could be there for me or understand me quite like she can either. I'm happy for her....Scott is a great guy and I'm happy that things have worked out for them- we went though all the guy stuff growing up and as good friends do....and I'm so glad that after everything, Scott is the person she's ended up with and who completes her. They're pretty awesome people lol. It's just soooo bizzare to think back on our lives and our friendship and suddenly really get hit with the fact that holy shit....we're like....grown ups and stuff *swoons*;) Anyhow- then obviously the wedding day will be fun times....the reception in particular being crazy fun;) And then I get to wake up the day after and have a birthday and get lots of presents (this of course assuming I decide to recognize it and get doesn't get much more jam packed of fun stuff than that I don't think *shrugs* lol;) Jason's Grandparent's are keeping Jaeli that weekend. That should be interesting too lol- that'll be a first....she's only stayed one night before *takes deep cleansing Mommy breath....they did raise 3 kids who are all still alive and stuff.....I'm sure it'll be fine lol;)*
She's lucky I heart her and she's my bff.....or I'd hate her and be pissed I have no weekend time with the fam lol ;p
On that note....I gotta go. Tired yo. Hope everyone had a great weekend! Sorry this got so long *rolls eyes* but you know me and my rambling mind *shrugs* ;)
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Weekend?? What weekend?!?
Posted by
9:29 PM
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Sounds like you guys have an awesome friendship now, you both have been through a lot together.
Everything happens for a reason, perfect example ;].
I can't wait to see pictures of everything. Of course of you all dolled up and looking FABULOUS hehe.
BTW, Caden is putting the voodoo on you to have another kidlet hahahahaha.
Holy crap sounds like you're busy busy busy!
Have fun with the wedding, I agree I want to see pics!
We're October babies together! Mine's the 10th, how fun!
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