I so tried to update last night....with no luck. My flipping page shut and I lost it all....right before I was finished. I was adding pics. Which....brings up another point. Anyone know why when I go to add them it puts them at the top of my entry automatically, and not where I put my cursor, which is where I want it at?!? I can't take it. That drives me nuts. I write too long of entries to have to move them to the end all the time damn it!!! Ug.
So....last night didn't go so well. We didn't end up running at all *rolls eyes*- but rather dealing with last minute wedding dress drama yo. Everyone had been to the alteration lady but Amy....I had to go back anyway b/c the bra I had on that day was sooo not working with the dress, so she could adapt the straps again (as she wasn't comfortable just doing it anyway *shrugs* whatever works). So....we meet at Nicolle's....leave the kids with her and Jason- and off we go right. Fantastic. Until we actually get our dresses on. Note: this is the first time Amy has tried hers on since our original fitting and getting them in. We knew we were in trouble from the get go.....when I busted the hook/eye clasp deal at the top when I went to do that so I could zip it for her. Oops *shrugs*. We couldn't find it either lol. But the lady hollars back from the other room that's not a big deal- they're usually not on there very well anyhow. Okay great. Welp other than the straps mine now fits perfectly- yay me. Amy's? No way could I get it zipped at all....no gd way. Okay fine great....that's why we have this lady to alter....she's all whatever, I'll let it out some. Mind you meanwhile we head out there and once she gets to looking at it- there's no way she can let it out enough- there just isn't enough material....and she's not comfortable using left overs from our other dresses b/c of the seam placement- it will not match up right and you'll see it in the back. Okay- we're like shit....now what?!? And move on to me. Amy comes out after getting redressed....and announces look- the dress is the wrong damn size!!! She was a size smaller than I was- we were all right there when she called out measurements- so we assumed her size bc that's what it should have been. Oh hell no. It's TWO sizes smaller than mine. No effin' way will it work lol. If we'd been in the U-freaking-K.....it would have been the right size according to the tag *rolls eyes*....but hello?!? Ug.
On top of this....the Renni lady we've gotten our dresses, and Nicolle's, from is going to be a bitch about it and we know it. She's got a reputation around here for being bitchy and horribly rude (she's a bitch if you walk in to check things out....you must have an appt and so on....). She was okay when we were there....b/c Nicolle's Mom was there. She's as strong headed and loud and my-way-or-the-highway as Renni is.....so I guess they just understand each other or something lol, and got along. Nicolle's Mom lives out of state....so meanwhile we have to deal with getting info on all the dresses....she was so bitchy and rude when we called to see if they were in yet or when they expected them right. Three days later her Mom comes to town and just goes in.....gee what do you know- she's got the dresses *rolls eyes*. Virginia was so livid last night she called the gal at home (she's an old gal btw...lol)- she says no way. Can't get a new dress by then-it would be at LEAST November for that.... so she's going to have to bring the excess up to their shop and their lady will fix it. Nicolle's going oh hell no.....we already know its not going to look right period. And....its their fault- its the wrong damn size, period!! I end up calling the supplier today trying to get a dress directly from them- can't do it. Nicolle sees the tux rental/bride shop we got tuxes from is also a carrier of the said brand of dress.....so I call them and explain the situation. The girl calls me back shortly after- no problem....if they order the dress today....we can get it on time if we express delivery it. At this point we're going who cares how much more has to be forked over--get it done. So I pass that info along.....Nicolle's Mom calls Renni again and says look bitch- we know you can get it in by then....blah blah blah. At this point Amy is to go in with the dress tonight and they want to measure her again- she won't admit it was their fault- that's the problem....she's never wrong *rolls eyes* and so they'll be asses and then say oh gee we can pull off altering it, and refuse to do anything more than that. It'll be interesting lol *shrugs*.
And now.....ug.....my effing page won't stay open so I can post my pics. Between this and OD I'm so annoyed and beyond today- so I'm so out.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Posted by
12:49 PM
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Oh...): You'll get used to things here.
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