Okay so I finally found a deal to get rid of this WinAntiVirus thingy right. And I think it did....so far so good- nothing popping up. However....just now, my freaking start menu/blue bar thingy disappeared again. If I minimize my page my desktop icons are gone too. Anyone have any bright ideas on why?!? Or how to fix it??? Bless you if you do. It's really pissing me off.
If I ever get things back to normal on this thing I've got more pictures to put up. Jaeli was being a ham the other night. That and I have a ton of bows done- Speaking of which, Brooke I'll post you some links if you're still interested. I decided maybe it'd be a good idea to sell them in sets rather than one at a time? I dunno. I never see anything like that listed....and being the girly freak Mom I am, I'd rather get a set than just one *shrugs* so I figure its worth a shot. Besides.....the small ones I've done for two sets are really cute I think lol.
In other news.....I ran with Jason last night. I'm still alive obviously lol *rolls eyes*. I think I did pretty good for not having ran at all in like.....a good 4 years if not more, I guess. If one can ever call running good that is. He kept trying to talk to me in miles the night before last....like "You know that bank right by Dillons? That would be about a mile...."- Psh. Are you kidding me?!? That's also ACROSS TOWN from our house yo. Yeah right! That's never gonna happen. So we ran my driveway rather than miles thank you very much lol;) A walk/run thing since yours truly hasn't done anything like that in forever....and apparently he didn't want to be responsible for me keeling over and dying at the end of things. It was a "okay- from here to that third driveway on the left" kind of a thing lol. We probably looked like jackasses, but oh well. I did it. That's good *shrugs*. I totally deserve a present. But I'm pretty sure when I suggest just that, Jason will say yeah....a new pair of running shoes *rolls eyes*. And that's not really my idea of a present. However....I'm pretty sure now that he's probably right. I'm really not at all as sore as I figured I would be. But my ankles are sore....and they were slightly in pain by the time we were almost back home anyhow- as is the lower part of my shins (and I had shin splints BAD when Nicolle and I first started doing that years back.....I do NOT wanna deal with that again....I won't keep doing it if it were to get to that point again-it sucked). That, and the worst.....one of my heels feels like there's a big ole rock under the skin when I walk- not cool. I think its just obviously bruised....but probably due to the whole hundred year old favorite Nikes I was wearing *shrugs*. Hey.....I can do foot pain from a cute pair of stilletos....but from ugly ole running shoes.....I'm not so game for that.
I think Nicolle and I are still on for a shopping trip tonight. We shall see, but hopefully. I don't really think tomorrow is an option for me....and she's got to have new shoes by Thursday for her next fitting. Who orders a dress....a wedding dress at that....that doesn't need hemmed?!? Nicolle....that's who lol. More so, who orders a wedding dress that ends up being 4 inches off the ground prior to any alterations, when you've got your fabulous, gorgeous, most perfect shoe ever, wedding shoes on with it. Yeah. They're a no go :( Which sucks....cause they're fabulous and she loves them. Its so hard to find something like that and then have to go shopping for a replacement, b/c when you find the "perfect" one first- you're still compairing everything to that. Anyhow....we've gotta get new shoes for her....and she and I are both in search of a dress for the rehersal and dinner that Friday night. We both have leg issues lol- so its proving harder than it sounds. If it's long.....it looks stupid b/c of how short I am. If it hits mid calf.....it looks stupid b/c I have huge calfs. Blah blah blah *shrugs*. Yeah....but anyhow....welcome to my day *shrugs*.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Question. So answer it yo.
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11:12 AM
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