This week has flown by. A little too quickly actually- if that's possible lol. I don't know that I've ever thought of the actually week as going by fast. Only weekends. But anyhow...I hadn't blogged in a hundred years (okay okay...a couple days *shrugs*) so I figured I'd check in. I dunno how well I like this place. OD is just sorta....I dunno- safe? And easy to navigate mostly. Ah well- regardless here I am.
Let's see week? I just got Cooper to say what I think is supposed to be "Kimmy" *high fives myself*;) It was lunch time...what can I say, the boy likes spaghetti;) I've been working on that one for over a week with no luck. He laughs at me....and says "no! Daddy!" *rolls eyes*. That would be in reference to Nicolle's sister, Kim. Jaeli started saying it like "Key-me" lol- which is cute....but anyhow, Kim was all elated. Cooper said "T" after Mommy and Daddy- heh. If you hadn't guessed by now- that'd be me yo. Aunt T;) You ask him to say Aunt T and he giggles....eyes me....points and says "Teeeeeee!!!" and then claps for himself lol;) What can I say? It's a hell of an accomplishment so I clapped any time he'd say it at first *shrugs*;) Anyhow I think Kim was getting antsy- she's that way lol. So we've worked on it....but nothin' until today. It was funny;) You've got Jaeli going "yeah Poo...say Key-me..." after me *rolls eyes* before he finally said "Nee-mee!" and pointed to my spoon of spaghetti;) Hey...a little bribing never hurt right? Hee hee. On that front, Jaeli said "Aunt Cole" once yesterday lol. It so far has always come out as "Tole" or "Toley" Scotty comes out "Totty" *shrugs*. She's funny. She says new crazy things all the time- its fun! She laid down on the floor the other day between Jason and I, rolls towards him and says "Daddy....change me." It was funny....he looked at me and was like okay then.....I guess I will....*rolls eyes*. We're still working on potty training. The whole just letting her wear her big girl panties and go with it theory is not even kinda working for her lol. She'll just go ahead and potty and never say a thing! At least now with the pull-ups she will tell you....right AFTER she goes *sigh*. But the last week she's said so three times beforehand, so that's progress. And she actually sat on the potty all three hopefully our fear of all things toilet are going to be non-existant soon lol. Whatever- you can't make them do it until they're ready- and I'm perfectly fine with that *shrugs*. Just figured I'd update on status there. She gets better and better with her ABC's and numbers. Last week I was counting kinda to myself at the grocery store (I think I was counting how many tomatoes I was picking up or something *shrugs*) when I hear her start counting with me- I say 8, she says 9, I say 10- expecting it to end that's as far as she's counted before. Oh no....she says "le-ben".....I gather myself and say 12...."fir-teen"....omfg- okay....14......??? She scratches her chin with her finger and says "hmmm..........five-teen?"- lmao. She's too funny- love her!
In other news.....I'm expecting a baby shower invite from my step-sister any day now. I might say, despite the fact that my Mom married an asshole the third time (she'd probably say that my Dad and Steve were asses too or she wouldn't have divorced them- but that's crap imo *shrugs* Anytime she had a good thing going, it wasn't in her eyes....and downhill it went) I have a relationship with my "stepsiblings" from the time. I know if there were awards for blogger with most confusing family mentioned randomly in blogs I'd probably win lol;) That being said: Ashley, Audra, and Austin are my stepsiblings from that (not to be confused with Lexy....younger stepsister- Jean and Steve's daughter.....and Mollie, Jacob, Jenni, and Tommy....stepsiblings from MJ (dad's wife)- I know...but try to follow me here lol). Ashley is a year younger than I am, Audra is a year older than the twins, and Austin is a senior this year. I see Austin if I go by to see Kenadaey and Kalaeb, as he still lives with his Dad. I run into Audra a lot, mostly over the holidays it seems....she lives in the next town over with her bf and his two girls. Then Ashley and I keep in touch via email/im weekly- after I had Jae I had spoken to her off and on but not seen her in years....they lived near us and we got back in touch then and have stayed closer since. Anyhow- she found out....oh a month or so ago...she's having twins! My Mom would flip if she were here lol. Well in a good way I mean lol. Anyhow- I guess she and Don had talked about maybe trying for one more in the near future when she then found out she was pregnant already (they've got 3...her oldest was born my Jr year of h.s.). She said she was okay and everything- just slightly shocked it had already happened.....but then they get the sonogram done and low and behold there are 2! She's slightly freaked out lol. She said it was just her luck....that there is one of each- of course she couldn't have both boys or both girls....she needs one of each! She long got rid of most of Kaytee and Kelsey's stuff, but has all the boy goodies from Preston (who is like around a year older than Jaeli is)- and had hoped for another boy, or in this case 2 of them lol. Anyhow- it's exciting I think! I'm anxious to see her! She's always been on the smaller size pregnancy wise- um....she kept her 1st a secret until she was well into being 6 months along . Yeah that didn't go over so well with the parents....I remember my Mom and Ken going off about how could Tammy not know she was pregnant that long and blah blah blah *rolls eyes*. I kindly pointed out to Mom that she didn't notice either.....and she was a L&D nurse for how many friggin' years??? She told me "that's different" lol;) That's also what she said after flipping out about Tammy buying tons of baby stuff when Ash was still considering adoption at the time- that that was 'encouraging her' or whatever.....and I pointed out I thought it was awfully hypocritical of her when she's talking to the daughter she got pg with in her teen years. Actually she said "that's different.....I was married." I laughed and blurted out "uh yeah....BECAUSE you were pregnant with ME!" *rolls eyes*. She dropped me back off at home (she got me from school for dr's appts and too me back to my grandparents after) right about then lol;) She did later say that it made her think and change her outlook a bit more. I think they were all so 3 into blaming each others parenting skills for Ashley's own choices that they were too busy with that to think about anything else at first. What's funny is that was in February. We had our family Xmas with Mom at their place in December and when we left Jason asked me if I thought Ashley looked pregnant. Excuse me what? That is assinine. She's just bigger period, and she's put on a few pounds *shrugs*. you not know my stepsister??? Hello- that would NEVER happen to her. Besides that she'd say something to me I'm sure! Okay yeah you're probably right, he decided. That was the first thing I thought of when my Mom called to tell me lol. Weird.
Anyways.....that was random- but that's how I roll yo.
Jason's Grandparents get back from Reno today!!! Yay! Jaeli will be thrilled....she is getting more and more irritable every time we go out to check on things or get mail and papers and Pa and G'ma aren't home. They've been gone three weeks!! But her brother is doing a lot better, and I guess his gf flew out so they could get back home. She called this afternoon and was thrilled to be close to home- its a two day drive from here :( Sucky. We took a family vote at the bbq we had to fill in for them at and Patty's making them fly next time. That's just crazy for them to be doing anymore. Anyhow, they just really wanted to say they'll be home tonight after cards at the church lol (which is their usual Thursday activity) and wanted to know how that girl was doing....."that girl" being Jaeli;) That's what Dean says the majority of the time lol. I tease him that it's only b/c he can't remember her name lol;) They were amused at her antics the day of the bbq. She was all kinds of irritated b/c we kept saying no, Pa isn't here....he and Grandma are with Uncle Clyde in Reno, remember? She'd look at us all serious and say "um no. I find him!" and go off searching the house for them *rolls eyes*. Kids *sighs*. So we're going out there tonight to catch up and let Miss Thang' have her Pa and Grandma fix....and vice versa.
Tomorrow is Lexy Lou's birthday!! Ooh...its also Jason's Mom's birthday- gotta remember that lol. Anyhow Jean called last week and said they decided just to go for the family party thing this year, so we're all going out there around 7p I think for that. Abby came out Tuesday for a bit so I sent home two birthday bows she could pick from, so she can wear it to school (Jean says she's all excited to take treats in to her class lol). I made her some plain bows- you know, white, purple, pink- the basics. And then she's getting a candy-corn halloween one, and apple one, a few other patterned random ones, and then I got the ribbon in last night to do a set in pinks/browns- they'll match her current favorite outfit lol;) Then tomorrow we've gotta stop and find her something fun and toy-like. Preferably something loud and annoying just for Steve;) Hee hee. They forget that they do that to us.....but we can get them back b/c they've got a little one still to. Pay backs a bitch yo ;)
Oh lord....I'm watching DiscoveryHealthChannel and they're doing a c-section *shudders*. Seeing them never ever bothered me was chalked into the facinating surgical procedure category with anything else *shrugs*. But holy cow....after having one- I can't hardly stand to watch them. I can't sit and watch an entire one beginning to end- I close my eyes at some point lol. Usually the whole stretching the belly part *shudders* definitely understand the bruising and tenderness after watching that- ouch! That is so gonna be a problem in the future if I have another one. I cried and was shaky from pure nerves the first time around....being able to know exactly what they're doing and picture it in my head as its about to happen the next time I don't even wanna think about it lol. That being said just an fyi- if/when there is that next time I'm not just settling on a c-section b/c I had one previously. I hate to say this, but if my OB won't agree to it I'm perfectly open to shopping around for another (I've since learned my OB is the number one in our area though, so I kinda hope that won't happen....we liked her *shrugs* but she comes off to me as a person who wouldn't want to go with that route but we'll see). It's not set in stone that all my children will be breech....its just the fact that it's a higher realistic possibility with my bicornuate uterus issues- period end of story. I can't do anything about that- but hope for the best. I did look into having them try and manually help her to turn- but I'm not any more comfortable with that than my doctor was b/c of my uterus. They could cause further damage, and its already jacked up enough thank you very much. Anyhow....the lady's all fixed up now so I can go back to watching lol;) Isn't that weird? I've seen such way nastier things when I worked at the hospital. I watched c-sections on the same shows before and during my pregnancy just fine. And they just send me into total shudders and grossing out now. Fun fact: I never once looked at my incision- just knowing there were staples creeped me out enough...I didn't want to see that for sure (and was livid when Jason helped me shave in the shower the next day and was all "wow...awesome..." and starts counting I didn't wanna know there were 19 thanks- in fact I somewhat remember the clicking sound in the or room and someone saying the word staples, looking at Jason ready to cry and mumbling that staples go in paper...not people...I don't know why I hadn't thought about that, but having staples honestly hadn't previously occured to me lol). Then even after the staples were out....I never once looked down to see, and I turned away from the mirror when I got in the shower or what not so that I wouldn't see it then either. Becca was facinated and wanted to see- we still joke that she looked at it but I refused lol. It was well over two months later when I finally looked *shrugs*. Lol- I'm weird like that I guess *shrugs*.
Geez...more randomness today *shrugs*.
Otherwise not much to report I guess. Same ole same ole. Have a good week guys!
Thursday, September 13, 2007's already Thursday.
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11:37 AM
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I know what you mean about the c-section thing. I still can't touch my scar (like it freaks me out when I'm washing up in the shower) I don't know I guess I'm scared it'll a) hurt or b) come open!
This time I didn't get staples. Not sure why, I just got stitches. Which came open in some spots. Ok...probably not a good thing to share with you :]
Part of me wishes I would have done a VBAC but my OB said because Caden had the cord around him (and a knot) that's why I never went into labor (so same with Bailey as she had it 3 times) because they never dropped enough. Which is a good thing.
Ok rambling!
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