Sunday, September 2, 2007

I lied. So I'm back lol;) I forgot my white capri pants were laying upstairs on my floor, in need of being thrown into the laundry room downstairs to be washed. Tomorrow is Labor Day- therefore after that they're officially being retired to the back of my closet until Easter. Well actually probably after that too a little....hmmm...*shrugs*. So....again, therefore.....I better get all the wear out of them I can- and wear them one last day *tear* lol;) Waiting for the cycle to finish so I can flip them to the dryer- so here I am.

Lucky you guys....I loaded some pictures of bow stuff today so I'm going to share the Halloween stuff I've been working on the last couple of nights, whether you like it or not;)

TaDa!! Okay so that might not be the best size ever but oh'll do. The back purple one has spiders/webs all over the main bow (with polkadots on the inside). The next one isn't exactly just Halloween or whatever...its pirate themed *shrugs*. The next one has a candy corn theme (resin in middle). The bottom left one has a witch resin and is just coordinating in color. And then the last one the main bow is ghosts;)

Alright I'm done for real now;) G'night guys!!


Anonymous said...

Super cute bows girl! I need to get my butt in gear and take a class here or buy those directions. Those are really, really cute.

I want to see pictures of you sporting said pants.

Brooke said...

Those are adorable! I remember you posting about bows a while back...I love them! If you're selling them on eBay, send me the link to your eBay page. :) I'll definitely buy some!