I hate days when Jason comes home in the middle of the day like this from the rain. Everything routine wise goes straight to hell. I used to love days like that. Thought I would forever. Psh. Maybe after I'm done watching Coop someday *shrugs*. Maybe I'll enjoy whole days a little more even. I so can't believe I even just said that- but hey....if I can't vent here to ya'll then what's a girl to do *shrugs*?
Yesterday within the first hour of being here....Coop had diarrhea like I've never seen in my life. He's all grunting like he does....when suddenly it's like a friggin' explosion guys. Seriously- within seconds it's coming out the waist band of the front of his shorts....and down the front of the legs too. Did I say I've never seen anything like it in my life?!? Because I haven't. Not even kinda. I mean it's one thing to deal with a little bit of messy poo that managed to begin a trail up the back or something...I've dealt with that before....but this....nope....not even kinda. Weird. Naturally he wasn't thrilled....I was probably even less thrilled and promptly grabbed him to haul him up to the bathroom. We dealt with it yo *shrugs*. I cleaned him up without throwing up myself (I don't know how...I'm proud of myself...I was real sure I was gonna puke....or else I was gonna pass out from holding my breath lol- ya know...it's one thing to clean up your own kids poo...but it's quite another to clean up someone elses in my opinion *shrugs*) and he got a bath....and I cleaned my carpet...and some blankets that were nearby *ug*. When I got him in the bath I called Nicolle (from the bathroom bitches *rolls eyes* don't go all crazy on me....I'm not gonna leave anyone unattended in the tub thanks...the phone always goes with me wherever I go)- that was the first time I've ever been frusturated like that...I felt bad but crap. Right off the bat to the day?!? No. I was like dude....your kid just had the most massive diarrhea explosion I've ever SEEN in my life....he's calm now b/c he's happy he's in the bathtub (kid LOVES the bath...even more than my kid....which is crazy)....he's just obviously not feeling fabulous- but he's not laying around or having a huge fever either *shrugs*. I don't know what the deal is....but she cut me off and said she'd see when she could get out of work and come get him. Scott called and offered to come get him, and borrow Jae's carseat from me to take him home in- but...I'm not stupid...he works 3rd shift, he should have been sleeping still....he didn't really sound all that into it lol *rolls eyes* so I told him not to worry about it he'd be alright until Nicolle could come. Eh it took her an hour or so but whatever- it's understandable. At least she came. It seems like he's sick so much. And it also always seems like he comes...gets sick at my house...and then afterwards she'll add in that oh yeah he did puke once last night....or have a fever at 3am that was gone after tylenol at 5am...ya know? Ug. Anyone else wouldn't ever keep him like that. It's just him and Jae....we're friends....I understand sometimes kids are sick ya know...I don't mind keeping him....but geesh. Anyhow- he's had one bad diaper today but so far so good. She did say that he had nothing but horrible diarrhea all day yesterday though (the only other times he does that is when he's teething- which I know can happen with some kids....never did with mine, but with Cooper it's a given if he's getting new teeth in). Poor kid.
In other news.....I don't want a wedding anymore. Not the standard normal kind anyhow. It's stressing even me out with Nicolle's approaching wedding (2 weeks yo!!)- its miserable. All this to be wishing it were over already?!? I don't think so. $20,000 dollars spent.....and you're just ready for it to be done and over with- you'll be so relieved then and so much off your shoulders then....wth?!? It suddenly hit me that I don't care anymore. I've been starting to fret about how we'll do this that or the other....b/c this is how I've always invisioned it being. Well screw that. Who cares. I don't want it to be like that. I want to feel like I think my wedding should feel- like the only two people in the world I care about are myself, and Jason....like we're finally doing this....all the time- good and bad- has all finally gotten us here where we always knew we'd someday be.....like no one else in the world matters, and the only people I even really notice- is us. I don't want to be nervous about the hundreds of people behind me watching, or be concerned about what they'll want to eat, or so on. I always thought I did....but I'm changing my mind while I can lol. This....sucks. There is so much last minute stuff going on here it's nuts- I'm waiting on her to call me with more info on her nephews tux size so I can get that figured out and finished. Tonight she HAS to get me her bachelorette party list so people will actually show- I can't wait anymore. On top of that we're doing it Thursday b/c that's when Scott's is....and she's gotta be kept busy or she's gonna be the kind of gal who spends her night flipping out on the cell trying to find him and keep tabs- and that's gonna make everyone around miserable. The trouble is that most people have to work still, ya know? They're not all off Friday too like the wedding party. Plus we can't start until they're off Thursday night. She's flip flopped on what she wants to do, so now it's switched to going out to eat and then going to OldTown to some clubs- however....I can't be out all night doing that shit (and quite frankly don't want to anyways....but hey....that's the downside of being the MOH from what I can figure *shrugs*). Jason's grandparents are already having Jae Friday night AND Saturday night. They're in their 70's. I'm not asking them to take her Thursday night too....and the only person I'll let babysit is Abby (or Jean/Steve), but she's got school (and they have work) Friday. I got us a suite for Friday night after the rehersal, so she and I can stay in town since we've got hair/makeup first thing in the am and then have to haul ass back to Augusta to the church, so Allene offered to get Jaeli Friday night as well as Saturday night. They've only kept her one night prior to this fyi. No way am I going to ask that one more night so I can go party.....espeically when I'm going to be miserable anyway. That's just not me these days yo. I'm almost 26....I'm done being 21. I was done with that by the time I was 19 lol *shrugs*. It's not like either of us are needing one last night of singlehood to get crazy- geez.....we're practically married already...have families...and aren't interested in the party scene what so ever anyway (she's just going that route b/c Scott's gonna get wild and crazy....b/c that's how his friends roll lol *rolls eyes*)- you're not fooling anyone. Blah. I'm just tired of wedding stuff I think. I dunno. Like I said though- I'm pretty set there's really no need for anyone besides us and a couple wittnesses/family. I just want to be able to leave afterwards and go be happy that I've finally just accomplished the last of the major things I wanted as part of my life for so long.....to enjoy the moment- and what it actually means to me....not how it goes with other people or how well they're entertained or impressed. Someone shoot me now.....I never thought I'd ever say anything like that lol *shrugs*. I'm old and boring now *shrugs*.
In other news I ran last night with Jason and Jae again. I'm scheduled for another round tonight- wish me luck. My pink running shoes are faring much better than my old beloved pair. My shins aren't bothering me at all now.....last week it was awful! And yes Ames....I'm still running in full makeup yo. I'm not gonna take it off just to go run after I put it on at the start of my day. It was funny you mentioned that to Jason- that was the first thing he said when we got home and were talking. He's all "you know....you don't really have to wear makeup to run- that's the only other rule you might need to know..."- psh....I told him whatever *rolls eyes*. Tell running not to flatter itself....I'm not not wearing makeup b/c I'm gonna run- but I don't put it on at the start of the day b/c I am going to run either *rolls eyes*. One has nothing to do with the other....and you should know me well enough to expect nothing less anyhow lol.
Talked to Becca yesterday- she told me she "understands" now lol;) Poor girlie. I wish we lived closer still :( I'd love to be able to help her out more, but a near hours drive doesn't make that easy (she's the one that just had a baby about a month ago). She was talking about how she gave me so much crap about leaving Jaeli with her (or whomever) for "me" time lol....she finally just came the second or third week I was home with her....took her when she got home from work and told me to take a nap and took Jae upstairs to their apt. I didn't not leave her with anyone b/c I didn't want to or whatever....I just knew I was better at taking care of her than anyone else and its easier to do it myself than to try and explain things so why bother....that makes it harder on me than to leave and have "alone" time lol. She's having a pretty hard time the last few days with him sleeping at night and is pretty worn out. I felt bad :( We just kinda bs'ed about Mom stuff. I remember saying when Jae was a newborn that every time someone told me "oh...just sleep when the baby sleeps!!" that I wanted to punch then in the face. That's the biggest crock ever. Oh sure...sleep when the baby sleeps....then nothing else will EVER get done. Just let yourself and your home and other family go straight to hell- just sleep when the baby sleeps!! What happens now that she NEVER sleeps jackasses?!? Lol;) She said exactly that yesterday and I laughed and said see....I wasn't crazy saying that back then after all lol;) It's not that easy. That and she said something about him being colicky that's all....I was like dude....don't feed me that....you can cry or gripe or whatever you want- I totally understand. I remember my G'ma telling me one night when Jae was crying and crying and not wanting to sleep..."Oh she's just got colic" over and over. I finally burst into tears and yelled "Grandma- she's not just "colicky".....that is the biggest crock of crap I've ever heard in my life...what is "colic" Grandma?? What do you do?? They're fussy and crying.....don't feed me that crap to try and make me feel better.....She's not happy!!!" lol. I sent her Jae's sling- at that point it was my savior. If I hadn't put her in that thing and carried her during the day I'd have never ever gotten anything done. In fact when she went up to Becca's, she even wore her in it to keep her content (this was when she had reflux, but the ped wouldn't treat it and she was so miserable all the time still :( ). That and I'm gonna call her back tonight. I got to thinking....two things saved us at that point too- one was the vibrating bassinet mattress lol, and the other was that MommyBear deal. Turn that on and she was good to go!
Anyhow....that's that I guess. Seems like I had other stuff to say but I don't recall now *shrugs*.
Kristin- hope your flight home was/is good. It'd about damn time.....I'm bored without my daily Kristin blogging fix yo :)
Have a good night kids! Think of me huffing and puffing up and down our block this evening if you need a laugh/pick me up lol;p
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Rain rain go away...
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1:08 PM
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