I'm rather annoyed today- blah. For starters last I checked, Jason was taking a personal day for tomorrow...that means he'd get his paycheck today...yay for not having to screw around with getting it in the midst of wedding stuff, or waiting until Monday- apparently he decided nah, he'd rather not use a paid personal day, he'll just call in sick (bachelor party tonight lol so I'm sure technically he will be *rolls eyes* but that's another story in itself). Okay genius- so what about your check?!? I don't care if it's fine to make it through the weekend and into the week with what we have in the account already- what if though? What if something major happens and we needed that money in there, like it would be every other week of the gdamned year?!? Honestly it's more the up and deciding not to take the personal day without even mentioning it to me, or I'd have told him that's stupid before last night- duh. Ug. If that were me doing that- he'd be annoyed too. Men *sigh*. Thank gah we're going to On The Border for Nicolle's party tonight- I pretty much am in desperate need for one of their massive margaritas. Too bad I can't have one- well that one anyways- b/c I have to drive home and relieve my sister from Jaeli duty between 9 and 10p. Eh- I'm not really bitching though...I prefer it that way. My idea of a good time isn't getting trashed and getting up at the effing crack of dawn to start with all the wedding activity going on tomorrow through the day, into the rehersal and then dinner and so on. I'm a bitch if I don't get my sleep- I prefer to be in a good mood at the salon in the morning thanks. That and I can drink whatever and how ever much I please at the reception....walk a few hundred feet and pass out in my room;) Then I'm not in charge of cleaning it up either...heh. So....then there's the outfit thing. That outfit in my last entry was supposed to be for tomorrow- I was going to go back last night and exchange the jeans and another shirt but Nicolle wanted to go this morning anyways so I said yeah sure- I'll wait and just go with you. Didn't hear from her until going on 11am for starters. She says they'll be back by 1p and we'll go. Called her a bit after 1p and they were going by Party City, Walmart, and then home....then back to Wichita to meet the guys for tux stuff at 3p....so then we'd have to go after that, and hurry obviously....so we can get ready b/c our dinner reservation is for 6:30. I'm thinking ug....sob....well forget then I'll just go another time b/c there's no way in hell that's going to end up working out- and that's not including the fact that I need to meet up with Jason before the guys leave, and be here for my sister when she gets here to watch Jaeli. Ug. Why the hell didn't I just say screw it and go last night....I'm a jackass obviously. Ug I hate this. So, said outfit before is getting made into the outfit for tonight- and hopefully I can pull off going shopping tomorrow morning early to find something to replace that to wear to rehersal. I pretty much feel like banging my head on a wall right now.
So the bachelor party. I've gotta get Nicolle's phone and hide it. She's the kinda girl that'll be calling her man all night long wanting to know what he's doing and where and with whom...then leaving hateful messages on the voicemail when he doesn't answer- and just being miserable and no fun. Hey- she can wonder and worry....I'll give her a tiny bit of leway for that. But that's it- don't flip out, don't dwell on it, don't talk about it all night- kwim? We'll see how that goes. Scott was a big baseball player when we were all in college. The baseball boys are in town for the big event obviously- they're the wedding party along with Jason. So....um baseball boys *ponders for a moment* well.....they know how to party- that's a good way of putting it I think;) Jason thinks he knows what he's in for lol....he doesn't have a clue what a "crazy time" with all of them, actually is- which amuses me thoroughly lol. He's gonna be in trouble yo. So naturally I assume they're hitting the local strip joints *shrugs* whatever.....I told them to go by Michelle's Beachhouse and see if they can't get free lap dances b/c some of the hoochies we went to high school with ended up working there- drop the fact that Scott is marrying Nicolle and surely they'd get some kinda perk right? *rolls eyes* lol. Anyhow- Nicolle decided she wants to go to OldTown (bars yo) after dinner and things--she didn't say it directly but I think its b/c she thinks that's where they're going to be lol. Jason said this weekend when we were driving to Dad's that we have no idea where they're going to be and that they're all sworn to secrecy, but he'd tell me its not in the city limits, so there will be no way she'll run into them down there- end of story. Psh...whatever *shrugs*. I was like duh on the city limits thing- there is an ordinance that bans strip clubs from being in city limits. He informed me that there will be far more going on with alcohol than naked women lol. Again...whatever *rolls eyes*. That's the least of my worries. I'm hotter than any of the hoochies at Michelle's lol- so what the hell do I have to worry about. Now if he comes home begging me to start wearing clear hooker shoes and wearing outfits where my fat can poke out but it's okay b/c its kinky or something- well then there will be a problem lol. But come the hell on, ya know? As long as he's not whoring around sleeping with some hoochie.....or more importantly (b/c I know he wouldn't lol) letting SCOTT whore around like that, and I know where he is at the end of the night (as in if he's coming home or staying with Coley or what)- then that's fine. Oh yeah....no drugs with the slutty girls that were loaded on them in h.s. that I'm sure still routinely practice that little recreation. That's all I ask- I won't even give it another thought tonight. Nicolle? Ha. It'll never happen. I just know she's gonna be on edge all damn night :( Ah I did also insist the cell phone rule they made up for themselves (as in they're not going to have one...no one...so then she can't call lol) be changed and they don't have to tell her. I told Jason I'm definitely not comfortable with him not having his phone on him, or at least one of them having it and me knowing the number (I won't tell Cole I have it thus saving that drama)- not b/c of anything to do with them even. I was like hello- you guys aren't teenagers out to have a killer time and not be available and it be funny or a game.....they've got kids thanks.....and I'm telling you what- he'd much rather carry that effing phone than something happen to Jaeli, or to Cooper even, and me not be able to get ahold of them in need be. Obviously that's not all that likely- but boy would I be one pissed off Mama if it did. I'd kick their asses and then not speak to them for weeks;) So, he did agree that that wasn't asking much and was a good idea- as he'd feel like shit if that happened and I couldn't get him- so it worked out lol. Anyhow- I hope to God that nothing gets back to Nicolle about their little adventures tonight, b/c though I don't know all the details....I know the guys and I know Scott....and I know it's gonna be crazy. Cross your fingers none of them end up calling me from jail tonight *rolls eyes* lol. Omg she'd be livid pissed. Even more importantly...her parents would be lol. They're drawing straws to see who has to be the DD lmao. Jason says if he gets it he's coming down with the flu and going home *rolls eyes*. Dorks. Scott wanted to have Nicolle's nephew (he's 17 or 18) drive them around and wait outside for them- I told Jason that would be the stupidest thing he could ever do, b/c if you don't think Toph's gonna dish the details to us while he's sitting in the parking lot.....you're effing crazy. They decided I had a point lol thus the straw thing.
*sighs* Welp...just needed to vent on my day a little. Better get over it and start getting around soon. Have a good night guys- I dunno if I'll be on here much in the next few days. Maybe tonight depending on how things go- but after that I'll be at the hotel for the next couple nights, so it'll probably be Sunday before I'm around again- just fyi *shrugs*.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Posted by
12:15 PM
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Wow, where do I begin?
#1. I WOULD HAVE BEEN LIVID PISSED AT VINCE IF HE HAD DONE SOMETHING LIKE THAT TOO!!!! So I feel her there. That was disrespect. Her man should have known better.
#2. Um...now I'm pissed.
*leaves to beat Vince's ass*
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