So basically some thoughts....I needed something to wear friday for the rehersal and dinner (obviously its farily casual *shrugs* but I should still look way more cute than anyone else...ha;) ). My issue is this:I grabbed another size after trying a pair similar to these on, get home and they're the straight leg 'skinny jean' style and not the low boot cut one I tried on. Fuckers that don't pay attention to that stuff when they put things! On one hand I'm like eh, fine....on the other, I'm afraid it'll look ridiculous b/c I'm short....and don't have sticks for legs thanks. I dunno if I should just go with these or not???
I can't decide if I like that tshirt or not either lol. It was about time to close and I saw it and thought it was cute on the table and just went for it. Put it on....not so sure if I like it or not. Maybe I'm just a normal necklace kinda gal *shrugs* lol;) I LOVE these jeans though....they're seriously the most soft comfy pair I've ever had in my life I think. I actually got the dark/almost black but you'd have to see in person to get that I think pair of jeans to go with the black shirt (I'd tried other shirts on with them and didn't like them, but did like the jeans) just for fun *shrugs*. The other shirt is Charlotte Russe (who is having a HUGE sale much as my taste seems to always wind up being for the most expensive thing on the planet...I'm also somewhat cheap- as far as watching for sales goes anyhow lol....why own one pair of something when you can own 5 *shrugs* lol). $10 people. $10 effin' dollars is all I spent and they had TONS of shirts like that on sale- I'd have gotten gotten more if there wasn't 30 minutes until close and I had Jaeli to push clear to the other side of the mall for one last stop *sigh*. I'm just happy I got that one....I looked at it like a week ago when Nicolle and I were shopping (she tends to not last so long in Charlotte Russe cause they don't carry her sizes- and me....I can get lost in there forever lol) and she pointed out that Jason and his GP would have a hay day making fun of me, because it's brown/gold- which just so happen to be our old school colors (Dean gives me crap about being a "cream puff" or used to all the time anyways lol, b/c our sports teams all sucked so badly and apparently he thought I gave a damn;) I was like Dean...hello....I'm captain of the cheer squad- and we're what the hell do I care if anyone wins *shrugs*? We won awards at camp....they finally managed getting down my basket toss without me plunging into the ground....we had fun at the games bs'ing with each other....I don't care about anyone else *shrugs* lol *rolls eyes*). So they've given me crap b/c I wear a lot of brown anyways- I mean geez as if I wear it b/c it's related to school colors lol *rolls eyes*. I just so happen to look good in brown thank you very much;) Anyhow so I didn't get it then....I'm glad though now yo. Screw 25 bucks when I can get it for 10. Heh.
Anyhow that's all I've got so far I think to report. Just trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow to the bachelorette deal and then Friday I'm wearing the first top- just dunno if I should take the jeans back tomorrow or what *scratches head*.
Ooh on another note- Cherilyn brought Kenadaey and Kassidy over with her when she dropped off our fundraiser food we ordered from Kenadaey (holy crap that shits expensive these days- thirty bucks for 2 pizzas and some burritos....good lord....I'd spend like 15 at the grocery store...if that lol) (I should clarify- Cherilyn is my Mom's third husbands do ya like that lol *rolls eyes*....therefore she's stepmom to my youngest sister Kenadaey....Kassidy is her and Ken's little girl....end clarification here.). She saw my halloween bows and brought them with so they could each pick one....then she asked if I could do a custom order for them both that are black/orange (Augusta is the Orioles, hence black and orange- and her oldest son is a Senior and is a hardcore football player and an even better they're forever at games and wearing Oriole themed shirts and such)- so I ended up making 35 bucks outta the blue for four sets (eh I cut her a little bit of a deal just b/c geez...she ended up wanting me to do more than I anticipated....Kenadaey's my sister so come on....and on top of all that she was raving to a coworker who is pg about them after she'd seen them a few days ago and wanted me to send her my site info....she works for the Wichita Business Journal- she's got connections yo lol *rolls eyes* eh, or at least works with a lot of women who have kids and could probably help me advertise a little bit- I'm game *shrugs*). Within the last two weeks its kinda started paying off or whatever you wanna call it lol. I've sold on eBay with other lots of clothes I'm getting rid of anyhow, but not sold much by themselves (God and everyone sell them there)- I sold several sets by themselves last week and got emails via those auctions from other people wanting custom stuff, then people over the weekend at the festival thing, then this with Cherilyn- as I'm finally finishing the doggie bows for Kristin this week too lol. Dude you'd have a hay day laughing at me finishing them up- I got rubber bands to attach instead of clips b/c I think they'll be too big....and I got my nails all done up and beautiful for the wedding this weekend....omg *swoons*. I sat last night for like a half hour just trying to peel the glue off them lol. On the other hand....I end up with way less burnt fingertips b/c of them being so long I have to improvise and slowly go about it- which is nice for a change lol. After I finish the deal they go in tonight I'll post pictures. I also did this bow board Friday for Nicolle's neice:
Anyhow....welp I better go. I'm enjoying my week so far. Scott's Mom came into town early so she's kept Cooper Monday and Tuesday....and Nicolle has the rest of the week off anyhow- so I'm free- just Jae and I. It's so quiet and peaceful I don't know what to do with myself lol;) Jaeli's getting a cold though I think :( Not cool. We're going to be gone all weekend and she's staying with Pa and Grandma. Stopped to get her medicine last night that seemed to help a ton....better go check up on her again and then go pick up her room lol. Later guys!!
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