So it's been forever since I blogged here. I have once or twice on OD though fyi.
Soooo...I left off with last Thursday huh. Geez- lots of craziness since then lol. Good times though so grab a drink, sit down, put your feet up and read;)
On a random note I'm so totally listening to my Christmas playlist right now lol. It's actually cold and fall/winter like here finally ('s Oct....that should've happened a good month ago....don't worry- it's not here to stay yet even- ridiculous *rolls eyes*). Eh I'm only a few weeks early lol- Christmas in my family starts on Thanksgiving lol. Christmas in my house....starts in November. I love my tree. My Christmas music. My decorations. All of it. So whatever.
Anyhow.....well the bachelorette party was good. I had to come relieve my sister of babysitting duty by 10p since she had school the next morning, so I missed out on the rest of the fun....but hell- she texted me like two hours after I left and they were coming home, so oh well. Amy got pics that's all I need lol. The bitch took TWENTY ONE shots yo. How she was still standing I think we all were wondering lol. I nearly died that she was up and at em to pick me up the next morning before our bridal party lunch thing all perky and cute.....she was suprised herself though too lol. However....the guys did their thing Thursday night also remember? Whatever. We all knew they'd do the strip club thing *rolls eyes*. I mean hey- I'm not all everyone should do that or anything....quite frankly I think they're all idiots- I guaren-fucking-tee you that there was no one at any strip club around here that's hotter than we are *rolls eyes* (we live in Kansas...give me gd break...they're a bunch of crackhead losers or they'd be making it big elsewhere). I'll never understand the appeal of looking at some naked chick you know is way less hot than what you have at home, and that being anyones idea of a good time....but hey, as long as Jason's behaving himself and having some standards- wthe *shrugs*. I trust him that much. Nicolle? Not so much. She did really really good though- better than I thought she was gonna....and agreed to leaving her phone at home- which I never thought in a million years she'd do. She was the bigger person and let it go and wasn't all psycho jealous. Yay Coley! Yeah....until the next day.....I swear......I could have killed them all *sigh*.
She called me Friday morning in tears absolutely livid. Mind you they got home at least at 3:30a- at least that's what time it was when Jason crawled into bed and I woke up- irritated mind you....he was supposed to stay at their place. In fact I told him to b/c he's annoying when he's drunk for one....for two- if he was drunk enough to get sick I was not even kinda in the mood to clean up and care for him....I already have one child thanks, and it's my off weekend too ya know? And three b/c he'd reek like bar smoke- which gives yours truly a headache (though by the time he got here I already had one...dude I puked up 18 bucks worth of On The Border yo. I was pissed. I seriously think my food was bad...I had one margarita, and it wasn't a alcohol involved puke process or headache at sucked....I'd rather have been wasted and sick thanks). So....why was she upset? Welp....Jeremy (a groomsman) came in to wake them up...jumps on their bed.....Scott rolls over (no shirt on) and low and behold what does she see?? Handprints and fingernail scratches all over his stomach. I shit you not yo. Now before you go all "boys will be was his last night out...blah blah fucking blah" on me here- save it and use your brain a little. For one thing the "last night out" thing is crap....he's not some early twenties guy going off with a big hurrah....they're living together and have a baby together- no one is that naive *rolls eyes*. Plus....We're all girls can't tell me that any man on the face of the planet would think oh gee- it won't matter to my gf/fiancee/wife (whatever). They're not stupid....they try and play it well, but they know better. Some people tolerate more than others but give me a break and think of it this way: How would you like to have waited all your life to marry this wonderful man....have this fairy tale day you always wanted....only to go on your honeymoon that night and have to look at some stripper marks all over your new husbands body hmmm?? It kinda puts a damper on the mood thanks *rolls eyes*. It's disrespectful- I don't care what anyone says....and not to him- to her. Do your thing, get your lap dances, and whatever the hell else you wanna do- but geezus know she's uneasy already about you going and that was a HUGE step for her to let go and not call and all think that'll ever happen again ? Ha. Not now. I felt SO damn bad for her that morning. She said she saw it and just literally couldn't believe it- not in some psycho way mind you...she's not an idiot she doesn't assume more happened than what did....its just the fact that that was there afterwards? If we'd have done that and brought her home with marks....all hell would have broken loose. Not cool. She told him to get the fuck out of her bed, and the fuck out of her room before calling me. I was less than thrilled as you can imagine.
I head downstairs to a Jason shitting on the toilet in his bathroom holding his pounding head, trying to decide which end was it was gonna come out of *rolls eyes* and asked him if he could stand up for a second. Why he asked? biggie....just wanted to see if you've got handprints and nail marks on you too honey....?? Ya'll should've seen the "oh shit" look on his face lol *rolls eyes*. Keep in mind...I'm being calm and rational. I'm not even pissy about the fact that they went all the way to SALINA to the damn strip place (fucking crazy...a good two hours ya'll...idiots....). He laughs- I tell him its not funny....that my best friend in the world just called me livid pissed and crying....the day before her wedding....and I thought he had more sense and respect for her than to let it get that far. To which prompts him to attempt to get know....the one where they're all "it was're being jealous...." and try and turn around what they did wrong, onto you for getting pissy with them?? Yeah that one. Not today buddy....not today. I told him to shut up and don't even go there with me....I don't give a flying fuck that they went to some strip club in Salina....I'm not flipping out to accuse him of anything other than being a jackass and not thinking of anyone but themselves thank you very much. My point was that each one of those guys either has a wife/fiancee/gf or has had a gf at one time or another....therefore they're not ignorant and stupid to the fact that it wasn't going to fly with anyone. I was like seriously....did you think for one second ya'll weren't going to come home, and if we knew that or saw would be okay?!? I didn't. Yeah- maybe next time you should keep that in mind. Don't get defensively pissy with me b/c you guys were idiots- I'm mad about nothing more than the fact that it was totally disrespectful to my best friend....I know what the whole weekend, let alone day, meant for her- and I know that seeing that would absolutely hurt my feelings too. Ug....idiots. Every last one of them *rolls eyes*. Jason said later that Scott called not long after, right after Nicolle picked me up....all upset telling him to drop it cause he was in trouble lol- as in don't tell me anything right? Ha. Dork. As if. He said later that Jeremy (he's a manwhore...Jason said it was entertaining just watching him all night lol- he's like going on about how he should've taken the first stripper he got a private dance with home....Jason's like hey- I'm game for a bachelor party and all....but that hot?? Yeah no- they were all like wasn't that hot *rolls eyes*. He's like the wedding crasher guy- ready to pounce on a bridesmaid and then go on with life lol. Hey...if I were single though....*raises eyebrows*....that's the downfall....he's hot and he knows it lol) announced Scott was getting married and it was all over from there. Yeah yeah....I know...I get it....but come on *rolls eyes*.
By the time we got to lunch she'd dropped it, and chosen to forget it and not let it ruin the time she's planned and made perfect and looked forward to. That doesn't make it okay, but you get the point. Then at lunch her sisters try and tell her she's being ridiculous and it was his last night out and blah blah blah *rolls eyes*- to which I said to drop it b/c when we'd gotten there she'd dropped it and let it go and they were just antoginizing her. Besides that, if one of their husbands had done that....they wouldn't....all hell would break loose. Kim would kick Marks ass flat out and call it off even- yeah just over I don't think she overreacted at all. Whatever yo. We went on with our pedicures and all that fun girl stuff. Rehersal was that night....then the dinner afterwards. OMFG. Her Dad and his best friend are terrible influences lol....they were handing out shots all over the place (mind you we had a slight stress upon arrival to Playa Azul when there were people in our party room and we couldn't decorate first...they'd gotten the time but it worked out in the end and was way fun)- I dunno how much Nicolle had....but a lot. It was fun....but then it was back to reality. I go to pick her up and drop Jason off with the guys at their place and she's soooo wasted. She's mouthing off and trying to pick fights with Jeremy lol *rolls eyes*. Loud as hell *rolls eyes*. Is she packed for the hotel (we stayed there Fri too)....oh hell no. And is Scott gonna do it?? Oh hell no. I do *sigh*. I was so irritated with him by the time we finally got out of there....I ask where her pj drawer is....he says oh just grab a pair of my shorts she can just wear them *rolls eyes*- uh okay....remember we're also packing for the following day/ know....your wedding and honeymoon?!? A little help please...? Ug. I had to get bitchy to get someone to carry the coasters to the car (that Amy and I were up until 3am putting together b/c Nicolle put it off for so long...and then passed out anyways) b/c I can't do it...but they watch me try *throws hands up* (glass...heavy...). It was just chaos and that was not good when we had shit to do.
Like a champ- Ms Drinker woke up hangover-less and happy the next morning, thank goodness *sigh*. Everything went farily flawless from there....other than getting halfway back to the church and realizing her hoop for the dress was downtown in Wichita at the alteration ladys house and we had to turn around....we were 30 minutes late lol but hey, only for getting ready for pics *shrugs*. It was all in all a fun day and night.
Then my birthday was Sunday. Shittiest one ever yo. Ug. I finally got my first card Wednesday...holla! *rolls eyes*. I just won't even go there. I might as well have not ever had one at all.
Kids were sick this week. I had a barfing Cooper two days in a row and my kid caught it and joined him yesterday. Luckily they're both fine now....but my house isn't. They say its just me but I swear I still smell puke in our room (where Cooper threw up milk....eew)- I spent a buttload last night buying a bunch of different carpet cleaning things and smell good stuff *sigh*. I'm kinda pissed but whatever.
In other news my parents decided to up and offer helping with wedding stuff- all of it. I talked to my StepMom last night and I think we're on the same page with things. She's checking dates for december and january today....exciting....but kinda scary too- pressure wise....its not that long....but hell we've had 10 years....what's a couple months? I'll update on that situation later though. For now a picture or two and I'm out...nm I lied...its not working for me. There are some on my MySpace....I'll put some on OD over the weekend- so there ya go. Have a good one guys!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Posted by
9:35 AM
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I cannot wait to see pictures!!!
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